Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

'now are eitizens o f heauen. 819 could they not allure him to fixe his heart vpon them, but only bee vied them as neceffarie helpes for his iourney, re- membring that bee was but a ffranger andfoiourner vpon the i.Chron.z9.11 earth, and that his shies were like a ¡hhadow which bath no abi- ding. Finally,no boner were the difciples of the I'rimitiue Church conuerted to the faith, and had Tome affurance of their faluation, and fome little knowledge and tafie of the treafures, glorie, and ioyes, prepared for them in the king - dome ofGod; but prefenrly they contemned earthly riches, and hauing fold theirhoufes and lands,laid the price downe Aet.434. at the Apofiles feetc, that there might bee a difiribution, to eueryone according to his need. But aboue all examples,let vs propound veto vs our Sauiour Chrifis,who by his con- tempt ofthe world and worldly things, bath taught vs alto to defpife and contemne them. For being themoli glorious and cternall fonne ofGod,he did not here in this world leek for honour and foueraigntie, yeabee refufed it when it was offered,and when he i perceiued that the people fought after t,: him to make him a King, he departed & hid himfelf in a de- fat place. And though he were the King ofheauen & earth, yet he profeffeth that he came into the world not to be k f rued k Maik ro.4f, but to fertte,and that he did not receiue t honour from men.Yea t Iob,541 in his greatefi glorie which he had amongfi men, and when he would make Some thew that indeed hee was aKtng,it is faid that he came m meeke and lowly,fitting on an affes colt,m Mar. ar.f<i,, hauing only fomeof his Difciples fpareclothesvnderhim, in (lead of rich and kingly furniture. So though hee might haue had the riches of the earth at his commandement, yet her contemned abundance, and contenting himfelfe with neceffaries only, he gaue the ouerpluffe to the rebele of the poore. Thus we reade that certainewomen mini(ired tohis nece(lìties,thathe had not money in hispurfe to pay his tri- bute,but was faine to borrow it ofn a fillie fifh,whereas hee Mauh.r7.a7 might aseafily haue commanded the feas to haue cati vp her treafuresandpearles,if bee had regardedthem. Sohimfelfe faith,that o the foxes had holes,and the birds of heauen neffs,but o Matth,8ao.... the fonneofman had not *hereon ro ref his head. All which poucrtie hee.willingly vndertooke,that hee might inrich vs with ;..