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._.....m -mom. Of theleyes of heauew. 835 fweetnefle ofhonie,and the delightfullodour ofa role, who wants thofe fenfes of tall and finelling. And this reafon the author of the booke of Wifedome plainely expreffeth: Hardly (faith bee) can to difcerm the things that are vpon Wifd.9.r6. earth, andwithgreat labeur find free out the things that are be- fore vt ;and rho then canfeeke out the things that are in heaven? fr ec To which purpofe another faith, that it is not for vs in this Be rraca P time ofignorance, Whileflweremainein ourearthly bodies, germ. ;s, . to mount into the clouds, to pierce this fvineffe of light, to breake into thisbottomleffe profunditieofglory,or to dwel in this vnapprochable brightneffe: for this is referued for ourlafl day, when we (hall beprcfented vnto God ,glorious, and without fpotorwrinckle ; for how flail wee lee God in his glory, and behold the beautiful! brightneffe of his hea- venlyhabitation; feeing our vnderflandmgs are fo blinded with ignorance, that we doe not knowour felues,nor in any perfehtionconceiue what our owne foules are, which is the chiefe past of ourellence and being ? Finally, it isimpoflì- ble till we come to heaven, and haue our vnderflandings in.. lightened and inlarged by him who fiat made them, that we fhould conceiue, and comprehend their ioyes in regard of their greatneffe, and furpafling excellencie; for as out weake eyes cannot behold the fun, but it prelently dazleth them,and if they beemot turned away maketh them blind, becaufe this too excelling obiet corrupteth the fenfe:fo our woke vndetflandings cannot poffiblic conceive and comprehend the glorious brightneffe of thefe heauenly ioyes; and ifaboue their reach and capacity they attempt it,they are prefentlyfurcharged with their glory and great - nef'fe. And the reafon hereof is deere and euident; for feeing this glory and happineffe confrfleth principally in the vifon and fruition ofGod, who is infinite and incomprehenfble; therefore it is as impollìble inthis life for any man to com- prehendthem,as to containe the ocean in the (hell ofa nut. To which purpofe one faiih,what.this eternall glory is,with Auguft.tom. what rich treafures this heauenly kingdome aboundeth,and to.Scrma . with what glorious brightneffe it fhineth, it cannot bee ex- preffed, but is rather with praifes to be admired and magni- Hhh z fled.
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