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Oftheioyet.ofheaucn. 837 and refemblances. Onely as one exhorteth, let vs not curi- Ceti ex me nee oufly feek out that, which the Apollles themfeluescould not m ó ere qe ¡tin fully exprefí_ ; neither let any man delire to know ofme that, fcjo,aif fer ti yr of which I haue this onely knowledge, that I know it not; nefcire drfcat, vnleffe hee would lerne to bee ignorant of that, which wee quodfciri nog ought ondy thus farre to know, that it cannot beknownepsfle,fciu,dum e,AugulLde of vs, fyn, cam- therefore that we may haue fomefmall glimpfe ofchum,lib,:. this glorie,we are to know,that this Kingdome ofGod,ancl cap.ra. ioiesofheauen, is nothing ellè butthat chide happineffe and §.Sec1.3. fupreme fflicicie,which the holySaints,who haue faithfullie what the how ferued God inthisluè,(hall eternally inioy with God him- o!l,eaeenare, fclfe,and hisfonne ChrilI;in the life to conic; whilefl being áudtire a>ei,t freed from all worldly ends and miferies, they doe commu- the holy scrrp- ideateinalltheheauenly happineffe, andvn fpeakcableblef- taresgiuenvii fedneffeprepared for them,efpedaily in the fruition ofGod, to them. who being infinit in all perfection, fhall bee all in all vnto them. Which ioies, that we may the better conceiue of, let vs firft confider of the names,titles,and epithets,which in the Scriptures are giueu veto them ; and afterwards fpeake, ac- cording to the meafure of knowledge reuealed vnto vs, of the parts thereof.Concerningthe former, wee haue ofthern great varietie in the booke of God, whereby both the great exceltencie,perfec`.i fufficiencie, incomparable glory,rauifh- ing delight,& eternal felicitieof this heauëly glory isimpli- ed and fignified. The greatneffe and excellencie of this eter- nall bleffedneffe is noted, when as it is called a a Kingdome, a, facing there is no riches,glorie,or pleafures which a Kingdö.Luke za.3t, affordeth not: and left we fhouldconceiue that it yeeldeth no better treafures,honours and delighcs,then earthly King - domes doe,it is called the b Kingdeme of hearten : to note vn- b Matth.7.3r; to vs, that as farre as heauen exceedeth earth in largeneffe,& 18.3, liatelineffe,height andbeautie, fo much the priuiledges and roíall prerogattuesotthis heauenly kingdome, exceed the earthly in greamelte andin glorie. Yea,itis.calledalfo.the 6 Kcngdome of God, to !hew veto vs, that it is abfolute in all a Aas 4sa. perfebbon,and as farre aboue earthly Kingdomes in maiefiie audtruefelicitiee as the King of Kings cacelleth the pectic Hhh ; Princes