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838 Of the ieyuefhemes. Apoe.;.ra. Princes of theworld.In the fame refpea it is ealled.the d mew Ierafalear, and the cine of God : to lignifie, that it is the place which God bath fpecially chofen, the metropolis, or chicle (eate of his boundleffe empire, and, as it were, the court of the great King, where our Lord and Soimaigne, who is omniprefenr,and filleth heauen and earrh,doth keepe his chiefe reídence,and therein manifef+his glory and great nell'e. And therefore looke how much the chicfe citie of the Kingdome, and the Princes roiall court doe excell in riches and glorie,the pooreft and remoteft commie village : and fo, and much more doth this heauenly citie,and court roiall ofthe King of Kings, excel! all worldly empire and dominion. The perfe& fuflïciencieofthefeheauenlyioiesis alto noted by the names which are giuen veto them; for Apoe.7a7. they are called a e l:uely fonnraine, and the well ofthe water of i441.6. life,ofwhich,whofoeaerdrin1 e Jfiall neater thirfl: to Phew vnto vs,that as he who bath an euer 1prinoing fountaine,can neuer want water; fo he who is once poffeflcd with theft heauenly ioyes, bath alwaies fufliciencie of all glorie and goodnelte. f-P(alm.s ;.t. And in the fame refile& they are called( bleffedneffè and felicr- Apot.19.9. tie veto which is required the confluence of all perfe &ions, full contentment,and the fruition ofour fummumbonnm,and chiefe happineffe ; fo that where blefiednetTe is, nothing is troublefome,nothingwanting, but all good things are pre - fent in poffeflîon,which the hart of man can delire and with. The incomparable glorie likewife ofthis heauenlyhappines, is huely fignifiedby the titles and fimilitudeswhereby it is EApoe. ;.t5. defcribed; for it is called the maieflicall g temple, wherein 8t711. our-great King vouchfafeth his glorious prefence,and is con- tinually praifed and magnified, by manymillions of his hea- tienly quirifters,and holyferuants : it is called the throne of God,whereon he fitteth,wh ilea he raigneth and ruleth ouer Apoc. ;.tx. all his creatures,and whereon he vouchfafeth to allow h vs a place to fit together with him. Finally, it is called acrowne, to Phew, that it is full of glorie and maicftie; and lefiwee fhould thinke it a crown e gotten orpoffefl'ed with tyrannie i a.Tim.4.11. and iniul }ice, it is called a i cro;vne of r: hreeufneJJi; and left we- fhouldfeare,chatlike earthly crownes,ic fhouldbe fub- left
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