Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Oftbebles-ghee:Ts; 809 neffe confi(leth in the fruition of our fummumbouum, and only ioyes fupreme good, which when wee enjoy, wee-can waes.t -no- wítheut the fru- thing, and wanting him, can neuer be fatisfied with al other ¡Dion oiGod g ood. For theheart and mind ofmanisoffucklareca a `ouldnutAaal¿e citie that nothing can fill it but hee who being infinite hi or per Ago , bdidka,Qie, fira make it.And becaufe God alone is curfummnmbonem, and the fupreme end of all our indeauours and. delires therefore if wefhould inioy al the world,and could engroffe all the pleafures of heauen and earth, wee fthould not reftfa- tisfied and contented, becaufe wee haue not attained vnto our end, and that chiefe and fuprerne good at which wee naturally aime in our delires. Againe, teeing none are blef fed, but thole who are perfetUly fatisfied and contented, and none thus fatisfied, but they who enioy God, their fummnm bonum,w ho,as he froth them from all euill, fo all) he reple- nifheththem with all-good ; therefore without this fruition ofGod,though we fhould haue ncuer fo much good, yet we íhould not attaitaevnto full happineffe and felicity. So one faith, thatwhatlòcuer isleffe then God, though wee fhould Augufl.decog. receiue it for our reward, wee ihouldyet delire more, and mt. vera vita. they who haue not licit defresfatis6ed, haue not attained cap47. vntofitlneffe of iny.And there fot e he concludeth in anoiher .Aicqu;d nebir place; that w'harfoeuer is tefept =hen.Gcd is abfent is not ad eft prate. P P' Deam non e(t Tweet and comfortable ; and that beedid not defire:any,or dalce. tvaluneus alltho!e things which God bath giuen,vnlcffe he who gane oneniaquede- thcm,giuehtmfelfeallo. So that wee may fay withDAuid.. nendue when*have linheauen bet thee ?arcil haeede/rrednorern the 'Ili fdedquio eerth'evtls' ihee:and conclude with him, that they are /reue4i up,inPfal.Fs bleffed, not who aboundwith worldly plentie and profperi Pra1.7 ;.ss. ty, but who taue lehouah-to be their God. l lal 144. cf. 'MmIll 2 CrtARy
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