Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
900 Of the io,u ofheanetr. CHAP. X. Othe von and fight of God, and of that communion !chub we!hall hafts mtthhtm. Nd thus haue I generally (hewed that God is Wherein the i a the fupreme cattle and maineobieólofour vigor! o Gad heauenlyhappineffe,and that asin thefruiti. ch fly to,4- 0 _ on of himconfifleth our chicle blefhednefIe; faith ;and that o . :rii, r .,.' fo without him we can Heuer attains to true it ianot a darkeand complcatefelicity. In the next place let vs fomewhat in- fisht,asinthis createofthef eciall parts of this fruition which confiflei_ fìfgbutatleere p P s koomkdge of titer in the vifion, fight, and knowledge of God, or in that bjar., communion which we (hail hattewith hit». Concerning the former, wee are faid'in. heauen to, enioy the vifion ofGod, and to fee him, when wee haue not onely in our vnder(lan- ding fuch a perfeél and cleere knowledge of him,his na- tute, attribu t es, perfon, will, and workes, as the creature is capable of, but when as thus knowing him, our hearts and affeólions doe adhere unto him,in molt feruent loue, reioy- cing in, and praifing him, and conforming our fettles in all things according to his will. Neither are wee to conceiue, that this vifion is a bare and naked fight and knowledge,but filch as is apprehenfiueand operative, both in our affeCtiona and a &ions. For fo thefe words offenfe and knowledge do vfuallyin the Scriptures fignile, not a bare fightalone, and naked knowledge, whereby the able&' is apprehended in the fenfe and mind, but alfo the operations and funetions of the will, heart, and aff ólions, together with the effeéls and actions which doe follow and accompaniethis fight and N4a7.13, knowledge. So David profcffeth that heebelteueth to fee the &:34.1=. goodnefe of the Lord:n the land of the liming: that is, to haue . the benefit and fruition of it. And Chrifi faith, that he *ho I4.3. 36.. heleeuethnor,fhallnot fee life; and contrariwife,that the faith full fhall not fee death; whereby is ment, that theyfhould not tafle the ioy of the one,nor thefe the punifhment oftlte other; and ellewhae, that b ¡1eepe heart hu that is, belecue
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