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Oftheioyet ofheauen, 9or beleeee and obey it, in their heart, affe &ions, and conuerfa- tion.And thus alfo we are Paid to fee God,and to know him, not onely when in our vnderftandings wee conceiuefome bare notionsofhis nature and attributes, but altowhen we apprehend and receive him into our hearts, foules, and affe- étines,and inioying him,doercioycein his fruition.Where- by we vnderfland,not onely what thisheauenly vifion is,but alto what is the chicle obie& thereof, namely, the Lord hitnfelfe,his nature,perfons, glory andmaiefly. And this is lignified by the feeing of Gods face, of which the Scriptures make mention.Thus the Pfalmitt faith; l *i/l.bohold thy face Pfal.r,.t in rijhteaufaeû, and when I awake I Jliallbe fatitfted with time imag.e.So it is faid,that the faithfullAall fee ,god, face, andhis.APota2.4 waerejhalbe written intheir foreheads: and the Apotile lobtt 7.1011.3.1. affirmeth, that we ¡hallfee him at he is. In this life, as we doe receiue the firfafruits of our glorification, fo anfwerablie we haue a vifion and fight of God; but it is(asthe Apol }le fpea- keth) darke, as though it were through a glaffe;and that ei- ther as wee fee the wifedome, power, and good nesofGod Rom,t.:o.u, thining (though dimly) in the glaffeofthe creatures,which is our naturali vifion and tieing of him, common vnto vs with the Gentiles and Heathens : or that fymbolicall fight and vifion,when as we haue fome fmall glimpfe of his glory, by fomefignes,fhadowes,and darke refetnblances; In which kind Mofesis laid to haue feene Gods hinder parts, that is, Exod.3la3, fotne fmall fignes and appararces of his glorious prefence; and Efay affirmeth that he thus ftti the Lordfitting zpore,a>, EfaY41 high throae,andliftedvp,and the lower parts thereof filled the Temple,and the Seraphim,floodvpon it. Or finaliy,aheviíon offaith,whereby we fee God in his word,not only dcfcri- bed unto vs in his attributes andperfons,but alCo inthat liue- ly image ofhis Sonne,in whomthe gloryofthe Father Il i ned,both in his heauenly doCirive, andmofi powerful mi- racles.Ia which fenfe Chrifl faith to Philip,he that bath f ene.1011.14.9. we,hathfeeaemyFather. But in the life to come weefhallfee Gsd pee toface : that is, with a.cleere and manifeft know - iedge,and not in darke glaffes,fhadowes,and refemblances : but stbe w. Not that we lball behold himin his full quanti- r.lok.3aq Mmm3 tie