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got Oftheloyesofheauen; tie which is infhite, and therefore incoinprehen fible, but fo much as the creature is capable of; and in his nature and attributes,knowing him in his wifedome,power, goodneffe, iuflice and the refl (all fhadowes and vailes being taken a- way)much more perfe6lly& clerelythen Adam did before his fa1. For as we know men by their faces,and are able ther- by to dillinguifh them from all others; fo by that fight of God, whereby we with the deere eyes of. our vnder- (landings know his fubflance, nature, and attributes,wee 'hall be able not onely to know him in hiinfelfe, but alfo to diflinguifh him from all the creatures. Whereby we are not to conceiue that ourknowledge of God in this life, and in the life to come (hallbe diners in themfelues, and differing in their fubflanceand effence, but onely in degree and excel- lency; for fo theApoille faith, that now We knolb in parr, that t.Cor.a 3.55. is,imperfeólly and ob (cutely, but then faceto Pee. Whereby he fignifieth ;that this knowledge of God in thislife, is a part andbeginning of the other, and not of adiuers kind and dif- ferent nature. And that wee know and vnderfland as chit dren :whereby is meant, that as children haue buta weake and imperfeél knowledge,whereby they do but after a chi! - difb tnaner conceive of high matters, as of kings, empires, forráine countries, State affaires, when they heare their pa- rents talking of them; fometitnes imitating them in their words and dilcourfes, and not cleerely vnderflanding what theyfay ; but when they come to riperage, they haue,in fub- fianceindeed and nature,the fame vnderflancling and know- ledge, but infarre greater growth, petfeólion and excellen- cy ; even as they haue being men, the fame bodies which they hadin their infancie, but much more firong and per- feel. And as we fee the fame funne, with the fame eyes, and after the fame mailer, through athicke mill or cloud, which we do ina deere day, though much more obfcurelyand im- perfcelly: fo !hall we with the fame vnderflandings, fee the fame God,afrerthe fame fpiritual rnanerinheauen,aswe doe on the earth, but yet inrefpeól of the meafure and de- gree, with much more excellencie, cleereneffe and,petfe- ¿tion.For here= fee God and tonceiueof the -i oyes of his kingdome,