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of the ioyar of Marten. 903 kingdome,afteralmple, wcake, and childifhmaner,fpea -. king ofthem as wee haue heard and read in: the word ofour heauenly Father, and not perfecly vnderflanding what wee fay, becaufe wanting experience and perfed3 vnderflanding ofthat which wee difcourfe of, wee, are notable to compre- hend it. But in the life to come we !hall fee God face to face, and know him as wee at a knowne, that is, eleerely, experi.. mentally, fubflantially, and effentially, without any darke riddles or lhadowes ofobfeutity, ; without which vifion and knowledge there could be noperfe &ion of happineffe. For then alone are we truely bleffeci, when as wee bane our wits and all our deliirees throughly fatisfied; but itis.impoflible that we fhould bee thus fatisfied and contented, vnleffe wee be filled with this diuine nature, in our vnderflanefings ap- prchending,and with our wils,deftres,and affc &ions,louing and imbruing this mollperfe& fubflance, and diuine ef- fence ; feting (as Ihauc raid) their capacity is fa large, that nothing but an infinite goodneffe canfill and fatisfie them. Neither is it poffible that our minds fhoüld bee contented and at quiet,when as we fee many excellent effeeìs, and doe not know the more excellentcaufes,and when as we behold and knowthe beautifull creatures,, and ate ignorant, or not throughly acquaintedwith the Creator hittrfelfe,ofinfìoite more beautie and perfeólion. Whereby we are not groflyto conceiue, that we fhall fee 4.Sei1.2. Gods nature and fubilance with our bodily eyes; for heeis That our vifos fpirituall and they corporall; but with the fpirituall, and ofGodfhall be pure eyes of our minds and vnderllandings hall wee behold fpirituall,aud this pure, crfe' and fpirituall fubflance neither can (as farbertb one faith )the offence of God bee feene with corporall eyes, o fee him with for then fhould he bee alto corporali, and vifiblie circum- our bodily eyes ; fcribed in a fpace or place, and not incomprehenflble and andtbat in him omniprefent, but diuifible and citcumfcriptible : but the nomlede inuihblc God is feene inuifiblie, that is, by thatpart ofour ofaildiuine nature which isinuifible ;.ta wit, a pure and undefiled mind myfierier. or foule. Notwichfianding though wee cannot fee God ef- Aueuf.epift. fentially with our bodilyeyes; yet fhali we accidentally be- t r%tom.a. hold him inhis vifible creatures, in whole glorified bodies, M to m q. his