Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

904 'Oftheioyetofheatter his glory, wifedome, and power Phan cleerely thine. And thoughwee cannot fee the Deltic ordiuine nature, becaufe in it owne effence it is fpirituall and inuifible, yet fhall wee fee God, in that lively image of his forme and our Sauiour IefusChrifl,whoisGod and man. In which fenfe !o. l b faith, Iob 19.17, that helball fee Gadin his flelh,that is, Chrifl Iefus his redce- mer,andin him as his perfeCI image and finely pieîure, in Col. a.9. whom all the f s!neff i or the godhead d eelleth bodily, as the A- poflle Cpeaketh, (hall wee fee the Father and his holy fpirit. And as we cannot in this life fee t'ac frrbllancc and offence of our Cowles with our bodilyeyes ; but yet can with them be- hold them in the fun Lions, operations, and a6lions which they exercife in the body; fo though we cannot viflblic and feniiblie fee the inuifible and incomprehenfible God in his owne fpirituall nature and being ; yet may wee behold him in his creatures, cxercidng in them his v iiedome,power,and goodneflè,efpecially in that liuclycharacler,and perfe&pa- (erne, hisfonIerts Chri(1. But our chiefeviaonandknow- ledge ofGod (hallbe Ipiricuall in our foule, mind, and vn- derllan.ling,wherewith wee (hall cleerely behold Gods of- fence and nature, in all his attributes and perfe 1ions,and al- to his perfons,conceiuing the great myflerie of the Trinitie, the Father, Son, and holy Spirit, in the Vnity of their moll Pimple and vndiuided nature; and cleertly knowing the e. ternal generatió of the Son by theFather, & the proceeding of the holy Spirit, and what diainClion and difference there isbetweenethem.Then ihal we know how al things in God are one and the fame(except only the relation of the perfons one to another)and that there is no diucr6ritoffaculties,but one pure and perfea effence, nor his wifèdome, goodnefle, iu(lice, mercy, and the tea of the attributes different the ore from the other,but all one and the fame inGod,yea ofGod, as being all of hiseffence and being. Then (hall we vnder- fland how God is wholly cuery where,& yet without place, great without quantifie, & good without quality. Then (hall we know thofc great myfleries ofChritls two natures conioyned in the fame perfon io the hypo(}aticall vnion,and of the yaion ofour bodies with our headChtit ,by the farne 1pitit