Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Ofrhe ioye! ofheawen; fpirit dwelling in vs ; whereby wee become flefh ofhis flefh, and bone of his bones, though wee befarre remote the one from the other; then (hall we be acquainted with the caufes of Gods eternal' cotmfell in our ele6tion,creation,redemp- tien, & in the gathering and governing of his Church, with all other his works of wonder.Then fltai we know the fpiri- tual fubflances of Angels,the nature,effence,& beginning of our osvne foulcs ; together with the hidden formes of other creatures. In a word,cuery myflerie:or fecret whatfoeuer which is profitable, end the knowledge therof by vs de fired, íhall there bevndcrflood of vs ;feeing blcffedtrescoafifleth in full contentment, and we cannot ref' quiet& conrent,vn- lefTe our delires be perfeelly farisfied.Al whichexcellent and bottomleffemyacriesfha! I not grow flale and common vn- tothe Saints as foone as they haue coneeiued them, but for euer remaine new and wonderfull; neither (hall they pro- cure in the beholders feffe admiration and wonderafter ma- Augufl. de tri. ny thoufand yeeres beholding them, then at their firfi illu_ plict habitacu.. mination and acquaintance with them. So that being din-10.01,4.0 minated with that diuinelight ofGods holy fpirit,NVee (hall not only fee God,but byhim his workesand creatures; and as in this life wee fee God in the creatures, fo in the life to come,we (hall fee the creatures in and by God; for then hee alone !hall be our funne which !hall glue vs -all ourlight, as .s;: thcholyGhofl fpeaketh. And as in this world wherin things are fenfible,we haue our power of facing the creatures from the benefit of the funne inlightning the ayrc,and the obieet, thatwe may behold and difcernc It; fo Godthc intelligible fnnneof the world, with the beames and light of his holie fpirit,doth fo illighten theminds oftheblefTed,that thereby they arc inabkd to fee his owne face and eflénce,will,and counfels., with open and cleere view, and alto his creatures and veorkes ofwonder which he hash made for our delight and admiration, and for his owne praife and glorie. By all which itappeareth that one of the greateft parts of our hea- uenlyhappinet&,confitleth in our vifion and joyful' know- ledge ofGod, whereby wee (hail not oncly know himfclfe, but his crows and workes of cxcellencsef in and by the light