Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Mt 1 Of the ¡oyes o f heaven. 907 haue communion with him in all his excellencies and perfe- &ions. Andwhen this communion wasdiflòlued andbro_ kenoff by the fall of our fiat parents, and our Pinnes had fe- parated betweene our God and vs, becaufe our bodies and Efay f9.a. foules being corrupted and defiled with fin and wickednes, were snore fit to be the habitations and dwelling places of the wicked and vncleane fpirits; then the temples of the ho- ly Ghofl; then the Lord louing vs as his creatures ordained toglorie,with an eternall lorte, and taking compaffion of ourmiferable condition,fent his tonné into the world to bee our mediatour, and to repaire this communion betweene him and vs,bytaking our nature vpon him, and vniting it to the diuine nature, that fo it being vnited to his Deitie,and we to his Humanitie, bythis mediation and bond we might be reunited unto him, and that much more perfe6lly then in our firacreation. So that the bond of our unionwith God is our SauiourChril 's,who being God and man, by his hu- mane nature affumed,vniteth vs to God, and by his diuine nature a ffumin g,vnite Eh God vntovs, and by verrue ofthis vnion makethkspartakers ofGod, and to haue communion with him in all his goodneffe and diuine excellencies,and to become againe the habitations ofGod, and the temples of his holy fpirit. Now the meanes whereby we are vnited vn- to Chrifi,he becomming our head, and we the members of his bodie, are not onely his affuming of our nature, but alfo our receiuing of his fpirit, whereby being vnited vino Chrifl,and becomming one with him, as the head & mem- bers ofthe body are one,becaufc they are informed with the fame foule, wee are quickned thereby and doe line the a life s ofChref¡,as the Apofilefpeaketh. So t is Paid, that wee bare COi3.? 4 built together to be the habitation of God b the 'pit*, tüat e 67 one iriitweare baptized onto one bed. that a'hee sebo it in ved d .Cor. r s.t;. with the Lord,it one q frit with him; and contrat íwif ,that he = Jt°m g 9 who bath not the fpirit of Chrift, the fame is none of his. The which communion betweene God and vs "throw h Ìefus Chtifi,is begun in this life, truly, though in refpe& of the degree, it be weak and imperfe & :for as we hint receiued but the fiat finites of the fpirit, fo wee haue but a finali and weake