Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Ofthe ¡oyes ofheateen. and (alit were) to infold as much as may bee the obieéf or thing knowne, either receiuing it felfe, or the fpecies and forme ehereofinto the mind and vnderffanding : and by thatperfetlloue,which we "hall haue of God the Father, his Sonne,and holy fpirit,the nature whereof is, to transforme (asmuch as may be)the party louing into thething beloued, and to make all things common betweene them. Whereby we may partly,and in fume darke manner vnderfland, what that diuine and holy vnion betweene God and vs "hall be in the life to come : namely, a communion with God,in all his goodueffe and perfeélions,through theSpirit of God dwel- ling in vs,vniting vs fir(} vnto Chrifl, him-to God the Father; and through our knowledge and loue ofGod, fee-. ing and inioying hint,whereby we (hall become the habita. Lions and temples of the Deitie,in which it will eternally: dwell,and God fhàllbe come vnto vs all in all, immediately quickning,preferuing, and glorifying vs by hinifelfe,with- outthe helpe and mini aerie of inferiour meanes. And of this union, the fcriptures fpeake plentifully, For facileApoffie Peter faith, that we (hall be made partakers of a the diainewt- az.Pet.t.4.: tare. And our Sauiour Chriff praieth for all his elemf, that, they may be all one, as he-and his Father were. one : b -1 pray b Iohn (faith he) forall that (hall beleeae in me, that they all may be one,. as thou O Father art in me, and l in thee, eaen that theymay bee alto one in vs. And in this rcfpeéf, they are Paid to bee the Temples ofGod, in which he dwelled). e Tee are (faith the a a.Cor.6.1 6. Apoffle) the temple ef the lining God; as God bath faid, f will dwell among them,and walkethere.- find be their God, and they /hall he people. So elfewhere he faith,that d we are built to -1 Ephef.a.zt. get her to be the habitation of God by thefpir:t. And this is the voice ofGodfrom heauen e ßehold'the Tabernacle of God ise Apop.a1.4. with men,and be will dnellw,th them,and they fbaibe his peojele, 4'ße`'5' and God himfelfe (halide there Godliith them. OltheesteF lent And this is that communion which the glorified Saints[rai:, mbith milas fhaillraue with God .and our Sauiour Chriff, the fruits and eompaxieour benefits whereofare infinit and ineffimable : for communi- temtnuticn eating with God, who is infinit in al perfeófions,in his good -Name! o bát bed mire, glorie, and excellencie ,we Chaff abound widtallblef- roil /bé n:ovt fin gsall in all.