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940 Oftheioyet of :Yeomen. frogs which our hearts can delire, and farreaboue all which we can conceive ; for whether it be glory, riches, pleafures, beautie,lotte,wildome,orwhatloeuer other excellencies we canconceiue, we (hail find them infinitelycontained in the fountaine andtreafur're ofall goodneffe. Againe, being voi- ced 'into God, and communicating with him in the venue and power of I* holy fpirir, we (hall be quickned thereby, and liue the life of God, in puritie,eternitie,and all perfcéti- on,not in the quantitie,for God is itûinit in all good, but in qualifie and fimilitude, according to our meafure and pro - AuguiLde cog- portion. To which purpofe one faith, that,as the foule is the nit. vcra vi'a: lice of the bodie; fo God is the life of the foule; and as the Lb.cap.3t, bodie is dead,when it hath not the foule,fo the foule is dead vt visa ta,nis when tt wanteth God. And as the blind man is faid to haue a,r'maeR. deadeies when the aredc riued ofli htandfr ht fo the vita beats ho }' R g "windows ea. foule is dead, ifit doe not inioy God,the life ofblefledneffe. Pfalm.14415. Furthermore by vertue of this communion it commeth co Auguft.deci- p thatGod al-fufhcient isvntovt all inall, as the Apoflle uir.dethb.59. keth,that is,doth free vs from all euill,and replenifh and cap.16. r.Cor.11.a8. furnifh vs with all good, which our hearts can delire, and that immediately by himfelfe, and not by fecondariehelpes, and inferiour meanes,as he doth in this life. To which pur- pofe elsewhere he defireth,thafthe Ephefians might knoll she Ephd3.19. lone o fChrifÈ,wbschpai(ètb all knowledQe;rbat they m: h' bee Fl- led with all fulneffe of God.In this life,God is nor thus al in all, as he will be in the life to come, partly becaufc he vfeth for the procuring of our good,many meancs and inflruments by which he worketh s and partly becaufe he doth not give vn- to vs all things inany excellencie andperfeblion; in which Hicron:epiff. refpe& it is truly faid,that Gods gifts are not nosy all in all, but 37 :od Ad- fame in curry man,as Wifdome in Salomon, pietie in David, snand.presbye patience in lob,and fo in the refl; but in our heavenly havi- .neffe,when God, íhalibeallinall,we (hail excel in all goodnes, vertue,gloric and perfe lion. Neither (hall wee then need any thing,becaufe we (hall inioy God al- fufficient,who will by himfelfe fhpplie all our wants, and grantvnto vs all our wifhcs. So the Apofile faith,that in the heavenly Ierulalem, Apoc.11. rberefhall bee no temple, for the Lord god .al-m ghtie, amI the na3. Lamb
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