Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
V O fthe Oyes of hearten. 92 t Lanoblballbe the temple cf it ,& we (hal wor(hip God in God : nor Sunne orC31toane to Ante in it, for the glorie of the Lord fhall light it,and the Lambe fl al be the light alit. And therefore we (hallno more need thefe worldly lights,then we need the light ofa candle,when the Sunne lhineth. We hall not need the Word and Sacraments,as meanes wherby we may more firmely be vnited veto God;for then God will communicate h:imfelfe voto vs immediately without thefe fecondarie and inferiour helps. Neither (hall we need food,apparell,fleepe, . and other meanes ofpreferuing life, feeingGod will imme- diately quicken vs,by hisholy spirit dwelling in vs. And this (hall be the perfe&ion ()four heavenly happioe(fe, that God molt wife,omnipotcnt,andal -fufi cient,(hal by him1lfe free and preferuc vs from euil,and fil and furnalh vs with al good: and though when wee haue fpokenneuer fo much of this e- ternall blefiedneffe,wee cannot attaine vnto the exeellencie thereof,yet let vs know,that the, is the femmeofall, that GodEcdef.43.17.. et all, as the Ionise of Syrach fpeaketh. Finally, by our com- munion with God,we (hall become as like voto him, as a fi- nit creature may refemble the infinit Creatour; like in good - neffe,like in glory,like in eternitie,and in all perfe &ion; for fo the Apoftie Paul faith,thattve/hallallhhold umamirrour, :.Cor.5.rSo- the :glary of the Lordreith open face,and(half be changed into the fame image from glorie toglorie,ae by the fpirit ofthe Lttrd.And the Apoflle John faith,that *hen he /hall appeare,rre fhall be like vetohim,becaufe ree (hall fie him arbeis. For aa drop of wa ter being put into a veffeli ofwine, hathitownenaturealte- fingular.cictic. red,and receiueth both the Mlle and colour ofthe wine: And as iron lying long in the fire, retaining it owne fubllance,re- ceiueth the fires properties oflightand heave, and becom- meth like vnto it: And as the Sunnebeames fhining in the aire, do make it bright and- cleare,hke the Sunne it felfe:And finally, as a glaffe hauing the Sun fhining on it, retaineth in ita li uely image of the Sunne both in figure and light : fo the faithfullbeingconuerfant with God voto all eternitic, Thal be, as it were, (wallowed vp ofthat infinit excellcncie, and though they retaine their owne nature and fubf ance,yet Aaal they bee fo indued with divine qualities, that theyfilar be
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