Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Bernard. de miferia hu- mans term. 97 2 Of the loyes of heroin,. be I iuely images,and, as it were,little models cfGods infinit goodneffe,glorie and perfeólion. And to conclude all in a word,by this communion we fhall attaine vntoperfeEì blef- fedneffe,weehaving in God whatfoeuer wee deliire. For (as one faith) 'What leekcul thou that is not in him? Whatde- flrell thou beuideshim? What pleafeth thee without him? Hee bath made all,hee hath all,hee is all. Whatfoeucr good thing thou deutet!, whatfoeuer beautiful! thing thou like!!, whatfoeuer tweet and delightful! thing thou require!!, in him thou (halt find it,and in him thou (halt inioyir. If thou wilt reioyce,he is boy; ifthou wilt flriue, het is the garland; ifthou wilt be crowned,he is the crowne; ifthou wilt ouer- come,he is the viElorie ; ifthou delire power, he is omnipo- tent; if fortitude,he is a God of flrength; if righteoufnes, he is iu(licc itfelfe; ifprudence, he is the fountainc ofwif- dome; ifcharitie, lice is loue ; ifriches, he is a treafure that can neuer fable; if thou wouldefl be beautifull, he is bcautie it Idle; if thou feekeflhonor,heisa God of glory and maie- flic ; ifpeace,he is peace eternal!; iffulneffe ofall good, he is an infinit and;inexhauflable goodneffe, and whatfoeuer good thou canfl defire,this fummambantam, and chick good Thal replenifh thee with it. CHAP. XI. ()four per,{eEt lone of Clod, our vn:rearied delight in prailiaa him ; our perpetttall Sabbath, continual! toy, Nut re-. ioycing in the fruition of God ; and of the eternitie of all this our hap - piaefc. §.self. r. That we fiat[ molt perfeflly loue God,and be molt happie is this our loue. Vt feeing it were infinite ro florid in filch par- ticulars ; becaufeGod,whom we inioy,is in- finite in all goodneflc and perfeelion ; there- fore leaving all the ref! of the fruits which our communion with God willyeeld vnto vs ; I will only infft in that heauenlie loue, and the fruits hereof,whercwith being vnited vnto God,we (hall
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