Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
°fareioyes of hearten. 913- !hall loue him, and hee vs; which is the bond of our vnioit with him, and the-very perfeélion of our happineffe,-For when wee !hall fee Gods excellencies and perfeélions,and communicate with him in all his happineffe,and call to mind the infinite loue wherewith he bath alwaies ioued vs, chu. fing vsvntolife, before we were,creating vs according to his owne image vnto gloriefufiaining vs by his power and pro - uidencefrom time to time, andprcferuing andprotehling rein the middeff of innumerable dangers.; redeeming vs by . giuing his onely forme as the price -of our redemption; cal - ling-vs by his word and fpirir, to the participation of him, and all his benefits;iuflifying,fano ` lifying, and finally,impar- ting vnto vs the ioies of heauen,yyea,himlclf,his glory,good- neffe, and eternal! happincffe to bec inioycd of -vs; then will this exceeding loue of God inflame our hearts with loue towards him againe, fill and replenifh them with in- finite ioy in his fruition, and wake vs to take our whole delight in thinking, fpeaking, and doing whatfocuer wee know may bee pleating and acceptable vnto him : then (hall it bee our pleafure to thinke and fpcake of his mer- cies and goodneffc,to fing his praifes,and with al our might to extoll and magnifie his beautie and cxccllencieinhim- felfe,andhis benefits and bleffdnes communicated vnto vs: then(hall not his commandemcntsbe gricuous vnto vs, but we (hall per£ormethein with nil álacritie, ioy and comfort: then fhall wee (asonefaith) haue anaholy orium,andgood Aug0.deei. leifure to contemplate Gods diuine excellencies, and feeing.caP 3 them, we !hall loue them ;andlouingfhall praife them. And this fhàll bee our end without end; for what other end haue we,but to come to thatKingdome which bath no end ? -then being freed from al euil,and fully replenifhed with al good, wefhall contemplate and behold Gods beautie and good- fpi- neffe, which doth replenifh and fill vs; and he fhall be the rite &anima end of all our defires,whom wee £hall fee without end, loue cap'65 without loathing,and praife without wearines. Of all which ip fefacit vt de- loue and ioy the Lord himfelf is the foie author,effcient,ob- fideres ; ipfe eñ ie &,endand fruit. For firfl in our creation,he wrought invs good deffderaa. this facultie or affe6tion ofloue,wherby man defucth to im- card's: ditigendi Nan bracedessstdexetfïo
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