Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthe:ales ofheauex. 9r1 . tine, and moll powerfull to communicate veto vs aligood_ nette and perfection ;.for louing our being, he caufeth vs to be; toning vs by his grace,he communicateth grace vnto vs; louing vs voto glorie and eternal]happines, he doth by this lour glorifie vs, and make vvshappie. Wherein the loue of God infinitly cxceëdeth.the loue of men : for they loue one another,becaufe they find them wortitie their lot.te,asbeing beautiful!, good,vertuous,and inducd with good parts;but GGodbyhis foiling vs, makethvs-worthie his tone ; and doth not therefore Voile vs, .becaufc we arc good, beautiful], and full ofvertue, and perfcé ?ion, but bec: ure he louetihws, heimparteth vntovsbeautie,vertue, goodnes, and all -good parts, framing theobie&t of his loue to his owuc mind, that hetnay eternally delight in louing of it, being fitted and.. made worth ie ofhis lotte andfauour. Add thus being filled With Gods loue, and through this 4.Se1:2. loueeeplenilbedwithall iòyand blei;ednc le; ' efhalicake 'et., los ie ,at all our delight in praying and magnifying the Lord, andin ügbe fboll be to (peaking of his infinie wiCdome, power, maieflie, iuflice, bag roa:Or:aly goodnefle, mercie, and ofche ref] of his attributes and per tl,e praif" of feílions; finging continually P[álrnes of praife and thank( God, gluing to God the Facher,hisSonne, and holy Spirit,for our creation,redemption, glorification ; becaufe in the one he bath giuen vs ourfelues,dn the either his Son, and in the lai himfelfe, to be enioyed for the.perfeccling of our happines. For as in this life we offer this«eruicevnto God, becaufe we haue nothing die to giue vnto him for all his benefits, but the facrifice of pralle and thankefgiuing, (neither can we -render vnto him any prefent tothew ourloue,whichis more acceptable, then the lauding and magnifying of his excel- lencies in himfelfe, andhis mercie and goodnes towards vs) ¡pie (fins tilt fo íhall we performe this feruicevnto God eternally in the ídtn uiorsm heaucnl yioyes, with as much more reioycing, alacritie and ft1eiçt,evidebi- comfort, as we haue a more full fight of his glorie And mate- rur, f u fat idio llie,and a more compleat, and pesfec`l fruition, of his grace amabiurr, fxe and goodnes.Fòr (as one faith)Godis the end ofour delires, Prigar;oue "- whom we íhall fee without end, loue without loathing,and dabitur. Au. praife without wearines.Ofwhich diuine and heauenl rai- Ciuit. YP Di,lib.a. Nnn a fescap.3o.
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