Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Ofthe idyls ofheatre,, 9T7 ments; for God immediatelywith his holy Spirit flail both it. incite and finable vs with ai ioy to performe thefe diities,and he (hall be our Temple, light, and all in all. All which aeti- r Cor.rf.z8. onsof praiCeandthankelgtuiug ,astheytendtothe glorie of God,fo chiefly andprincipally to our owne good; for Gods glorie in it owne nature and effence, being infinit and moll+ erfe&, cannot be i ncreLfed by our praifes, but is only ma- nifefled to hip bell beloued creatures, for their owne good and glories and as the Sun draweth vp vapours from the lea and other waters, not for it owne vfc,and benefit, but that it may caufe them to diflill downe in raine to water the earth, and make it fruitful' fo the. Lord with the, beames of 'his grace and holy Spirit, draweth fr *ín vs thefe praifes and thankefgiuings, not for his owne good,vnto which nothing can be added, but that his Saints and holy Angels by thefe heauenly exercifesof his feruice, may haue an iucreafe of their by and bleffednes. And becau fe this fhallbe our continuall exercife to con - §.Sail'. template Gods infinitbeautie, glorie, and perfedtions,here- That we all ofit will come to paffe, that we fhall keepc an eternall. Sab- l,eepean eternal bath, and perpetual' refl vnto the Lord, for his glorie and Sabbatb vrto our own infinitioyand comfort. Neither is it to bethought, God. that in thisheauenly happineflè, we (hall fpend our time in flothfull cafe, and idle rcli, which is more tedious and loth- fome then the painfullefilabour; but that we (ball wholly refi from finne, and performe vnto God, pure and perfect feruicc ; and alfo from the fruits offinne, as the troubles and Efayóó.sg. grieuancesofthis life, our painful labours, wearines of bo- die, and cares of mind; and cnioy peaceable quietnes in the vifion and fruition ofGod, withoutany trouble, care, or other molellation. So the Apofile `Pahl faith, that the Lord t.Thelf r.7. at his appearing, will free vs-from our troubles,and giue un- to vs refit : and elfewhere he affirmed), that there remainetha reit to the people ofGod: forhe that r<t enrred into his reit, hatb alfa cenfed from his dime worker, as Clod from hip: And the A- po(ile lohn talleth vs that in our heauenly happines, there ihail be no more forros', nor crying, nor Paine, hecanfe God !ball Apotalsi.4: f'tpe all teom fiom cwt get. And this is the perfection of Nnn 3 that
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