Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
yss Of the toles of hearten. in this the Apoflle maketh an oppofition betweenc the dt.Ioh.s.r7. things of this life, and the life to come; In that rhea world palleth away, and the lugs thereof ; hut he that fulfiller h the will ofgod abtdeth euer. So the kingdome of glory is faid to bcc fo conflant and permanent that it cannot be j9'aben, and huh the epithete of eternitie,oftentimes attributed vnto it:thus it Heb.:z35. is called e eternall glory, vato which the God of al/ ;Trace bath f t.Pet.q.I o. called vs by Iefirt Chr:p ; and an f eternal/ inheritance, which 3 Heb.9. r q. can neuer fade nor perifh : So the Apo(llc faith, that g Chrifh was appointed to be our mediatoar, that through his death thofe which are called, might receiue the promifc of an eternal /inheri- t.Pu,t 4, tance. And the Apofile Peter telleth vs, that*e haue h an in. beritance, ímmorrall,and vndefiled,and thatfadrth not array, re- feruedinheauen for vs. And in this refpe& the eflate ofthe faithfull, is by the Pfalmifl mademuch more excellent then the (late of the wicked; that whereas thefe with all their power and might (hall be quite ruined and ouerthrowne,the Pfal. ;y.t7.t8. iufi are vpholden by God, and (hall haue an i inheritance which ßa /l be perpetuafi. Finally, the kingdome of our Savi- our Chtill is faid to bee eternal!, and confequently his fob - ieélsouerwhom he raigneth mull lice eternally with him: andlell we fhould thinke that hee continuing in his regen- cie, may make choice ofother fubie61s, they alfo are fped6- ed to be the horde of Jacob, that is, his Church, and faithful!, the true poflerity of Abrahans according to the ptomife.For kLuk.r. ; ;, fo the Angell olGod faith vnto the blefld virgin :k Hefhall Dan.7.n7. retgae osier the houfe of Jacob for ewer, and of his 1i:gdomeJhal be no end. And to put the matter out ofal I doubt,that we alto Thal reil n with him;it is not only laid in the Scriptures, that t r.Cor.r c.n. we fhal bettncorruptible & immortal;but more precifely,that 3-1111. 1.10. 4VG m jh4Il reigne In this kingdome ofglory for euermere.Fool ifh m therefore is the dreame and dotage ofthofe heretiques,who imagined that this heauenly glory and happincfl'e fhould continue but a thoufand yeeres ; feeing the Scriptures fo plentifully proue,thar they (hall be endleffe and cuerlafling. And as weake and feeble is their ground and foundation, whereupon they build their vaine opinion ; naively, becaufe it is laid in the Reuelation, that the faithful!(hall reigne with
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