Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

914 Ofthe joys Chewiest. ofGods kingdome, that al theArethmeticians in the world Thom. Aquin. cannot fuffciently number them, nor Geometricians mea- de vcn.duo Pure them ; nor all the Grammarians, Logicians, and Rhe- log.lib.7, , cap,vlr, toticians,to the full expreffe them. That therefore you may fomewhat fupplie that wherein the former dcfcription is defeeliue, call to mind all thofe ioyes ss hich you haue euer feene,andfay with your felttes, that they ate not thefe, but farre greater, becaufe your eyes haue beheld then: :recall to your memories all thofe delights and comforts, which you haue euer beone told of, and then withall thinke that they are not thcfc, but much more excellent, becaufe your cares haue heard them; yea faine in your imaginations, vehatfoeuerglory and happinetfcyour mind can conceiue and comprehend, and conclude with ioy, that they are not thefe, but much more admirable and incomprehenlible, be- cattle your heart and foule hath been able to conceive them; feeing the Apofle bath plainely told vs, that thofe heaucnly ioyes are fo infinite, and farte aboueall humane reach, that neither the eye, care, nor heart, haue feene, heard, orcon- cciucd the lcaf part of this diuineglorie, and fitrpaflïngex- cellencie.And therefore feeing they cannot perfc&ly bee knowne before they be enioyed, let vs not (as many doe ) fpend our time in curious queflions, and bufie our (clues its fearching what is done in heauen,and what are the particu- lar degrees of eueric ones glory, negledling in themeane time the way which fhould bring vs vnto this happineffe; r.Cor.t4t4 butcoufideringthatthiskingdome is a garland and crowne ofgloric, which none obtaine but they who run a race; let vs notfoolifhlyy fand fill and loiter, enquiring after thofe hidden and vnknowneiew els,wherewith this crowne is en.. richcd and adorned; but let vs firll runne this race,that wee may be aflìtred that wee fhall obtaine it, and then lhallwee haue tinie and teafire enough to confider of it worth and excellency, .slow-v is the time wherein we mull trine againf the enemies of our faluation, that having the vicckorie, wee may receive d to crowne of glorie; and as the Apoflle faith, ifauy maa /Erur. fora raaflerie, bee is not crowned except bee t.Taa .L1.6. /Iris e rrr lie ousht to doc. Now isour feed time aitd hereafter pap