Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Of the ioyesofheauen. 9Z5 Fhallbe our harueff ofhappineffe, and (as in the fame place hetelleth vs) the husbundnsan mull labour before hie receute the fruits. And that wee may not: deceiue our fettles in thin- king that we fhall find it an eafie paffage to flefh and blood, and that we may withfinall paines and trouble come to the end ofour journey; let vs confider that the enemies ofour faluation are not few and feeble, but many and potenr,euen principalities,powers, gouernours and great princes, as the Apofile calleth them; who are not ea61y ouercome, vnleffe Eph.óax. we be armed with the fpirituall armour, and fight couragi- oufly vnto the end: and that our way to heauen is notbya faireand pleafant fea, vpon which wee might faile,th ough wefpend our time in fleeping, and attaine veto the hauen by other mens labours betore we are aware;. but a journey by land; and that the way which weetrauell, is not champi- on,and delightful! to the- old Adam, but (as our SaviourMar.,.r ;.r4. calleth it) a narrow and aflliaed path, in it felfe rough, and AR.t4as. full of rubs,and befeton all fides with. the thornes of affliéli- 2Tim. 3.1 a. ons, and briars of tribulations, which are likely to difcou- rage vs that wee will not, or hinder vs that wee cannot goe forward toour iourneyes end,vnleffe wee breake through them with a magnanimous fpirit, and chriflianrefolution; The gate which entreth into this heauenlyparadife, is (as Chrill alto telleth vs) fo flraite and vnea fie for entrance,that we muff flriue (ifwe will haue any pafl'age) to enter into it; and that not according to our owne fuperilitions, but Gods direélion; for as much as bee faith in another place :many fhall feehe, to enterin, but Jhallnottse able. And (as the ApofileLuk.r3.s4. fpeaketh)iftherighteous be fearcely pried ; that is, not with- r.Pct.4.r8. out great paines and difficultie, Where fha ll. the vngodlytostl tec`í.L. finer appeare ? That the diffi- But yet let not thislabour and vneauiepalfage difcourage tufty .inobtai. and hinder vs from entringor going forward in this difficult ningtbe ivies and afflié}ed way, feeing if Wee take the paines whichGodofheauen hash prefcribed, we fhall moll certainly obtaine the reward;fouldnot di ft and whenwe enio it wefhall beforetofindeitworthouvcoaragevr ,brre Y sake vt more labour :for theApoflle telleth vs, that theafihions of thiscouragioutin prefent *are notwarthie the&forie tvhichlhalll beJheìbed veto taking paises. Rom.8.a8,
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