Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Dfthe layer of heattett. 927 fellly that either they doe not beleeueGods promife; or doe fobafely efleemethe china promifed, that they preferre be fore it there worldly trifles and worthleffe vanities. If an earthly King fhould promife to his rabic& forne great tree- fines and high preferments; on this condition,that he ffiew himfelfc dutifull and obedient, in performing fòme of his lawful! commandements; with how great care and dili- gence would bee yceld obedience? and how muchmore if he fhould pronaifc,yeaand confirme it by his hand,feale,and oath,that bee would adopt him for his fènne,and make him ?Rite apparantofhis kingdome? But when God thuspromi- feth his heauenly benefits; and offcreth unto vs his kingdom ofglorie, and to make vs heires ofthis eternal inheritance, ifwee will bellow any paincs in feckingofit;how feware the number that regard his promifes, orbellow any labour in attaining to this affurance ?and yet there is great diffe - rence, both in refpeól of the perfons promifing,& the things promifed. For a King being mortal,and mutable;may either die, and fo cannot; or change his mindevpon force difplea- lure, and fo will not performe his promife; or though nei ther of thefe fall out, het may die to whom the promife is made,l?efore him that made it, and fo neuer come to inherit the kingdome: But God is immortal! and immutable,and as he cannot die,fo he cannot be changed,and therefore will. moll certainly performe his promife, ifwee performe tlié condition of our dutie and obedience. And againc, there is great difference between the things promifed,eucn as great, as is betweene heauen and earth, a fnbfiance and a fhado w,. momentany pleafure,and euerlafling ioy,betwecnea flitting and fading kingdome,incumbred with many croffes and af- flieliot,s,andakingdome abfolute in all perfeelion, infinite, endleffe,replenifhed with litglorie,. ioy and riches,andob- noxious to no trouble and incumbrance. But let vs,whohaue teen forceíhsallfhadow and releo,- 4.See7 ,, blance of this heavenly happineffe, and moll perfedlglorie, of tbemeanes auoid, and not faffer our felucs to be carried away, with this whereby wee common fireame of worldly dotage; but as farre as wee fee may be affured the eternal) ioyes ofbeauen,to exceed themom p our earre n1y entanie lea_ e0 aea u. lures ioyes.
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