Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

930 The Couclmften. forcing {ions tentationsofworldlyprofperitie; byíhevving and 'pinioning :bat wiiub bed, that the world and worldly thing s are bale and contempti- beeneÌaidtbe Y eo,RCen,pt.f ble, and not worthie any loue and efleeme,in comparifon of the worId. Godsfairitual! graces and heauenlyioyes.Forifchefe earth- ly things which carnall worldlings doe lo much affi&, bee vaine and worthies,and Gods Spiritual graces, and heauenly ioyes be moli excellent and precious; they vnprofitableeuen in this Iifc,and thelemoff beneficiall both in thislife,and the lifeto come ; ifthey in themfeluesare miferable comforters, and bring many ocher mifertes attending on them,and thefe moil fiveete and delightfuil,without the mixture ofany euil; if theybevncerainetobe gotten by thofe who loue them, and fugitiuc to tlsofe who moil run after them, and thefe moll alluredly obtained by thofe who delire them,andvfe the meanes wherebythey may inioythem ; if they be as via- certain in their poffrflion, as in their purfuit,being everyday readie to kaue their owners, or their owners to kaue them, andthefe moil conliant,permanent and eternall : finally, if they through our corruption abufing them,doe fomuch hurt vs,being the crudes, occalions, and infiruments of famani- foldcuils; and th1e fo much benefitvs,adorning vs with all glory,inriching vs with al goodreplenifhing vs,both in our Sóules and bodies with all ioyes, pleafutesanddelights, and making vs in all reft e&s truly happie, and eternally bleffed what doting folly atadtrancicke,madndlè is ir,cither in our iudgcmencs orafìe&}ions,. to preferre the worlds bafe,worth- leffe and momentary trifles,before thefe ineihnaable Teasels, and heauenly treafure&? W,eaceins [sr him a child or afoola, who wil preferre a counter before a k imgdome,a.Aaadow be, fore a fubflanbe, and euerybafetrifie,beforehis patrimosie asad inheritance : and we berth wonder 2ndlaughat the fm plicitie of the barbarous nations, wdaowill iexchange their gold and pearles,for a knife or glaffe; bun how.much mote abfurd and ridiculous is theirfoliie andmadneffi?, who pre- ferre earth before heau,mammon before God,audthe vaine pleafvresoffie, which tail butfor afeafon,before the King- domeof glorie,and thofe vnfpeaiceableioyes sshich fhal ne- uercodi' Let vs thetefore beware of this worldlyfrenfie; aud ssooMMININI