Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Ceneluften. 931 and teeing we profeffe the name of Chriil,& boat} our felues of our heauenly hopes,as though wee were affured ofthem, and expeóted eternal crownes and kingdomes,let vs be afha- med that our praólife fhould bewray our judgements affe- élions,manifeftly!hewing by our neglea of things fpirituall and eternal, and by our earnefi &inceffant feeking ofthings momentanie and temporall,that we more efleeme earth then heanen,and delire more the fhort poffeflìon ofthefe worldly vaaities,thcntheeuerlaüiog fruition of Cod himfclfe, and thofegloriousioyes of his heaueniy Kir,gdotne. We know thatthofe who haue fed on dai ríties,do loath ÿ tall of groffer meatsiand that when the Sun fhineth vpon the fire,it maketh the lightthereoffike vnto a painted colour, andmuch aba- tech ofit heate,ifit doe not ciuiteextinguifhit: and fo let vs who haue tailed how good God is, and the moll delicate fweetneffe ofthofe heauenly ioyes, learne to loath the fsvi- niflr husks offilthie pleafures,and the win die!milk of world- ly honours; and feeing the diuinel.ight ofthat heauenly glo- rie hath fhined vnto vs,let it dim the light ofcarnail realon, and abate, if not extinguifh,theflame and fire of our earthly concupifcence.Forthis is the end, as the Apoftle teacheth vs, . whythe Lord in mercie bath canted his truth to thine vnto vs,and to inlightenour minds with thofe gloriousraies. The Tit, z,ua s.. grace of God(faith he)cbar bringeth fsluation vnte all men path .rppeared,and teacheth vs, that we fhould delire vngodlineffe,and morlddlyluFis,andthat we fhouldlutefoberly,and rOteoufly, and godlyin this pref nt world. Let vs not too much efleeme and ,affeá this flue ofmortality,feeing we our fèlues are immor tall,nor value thele earthly things at high rates, as though they were parts and members of 'our bodies, but onelie account of them as haires, wiles, and other excrements, making a fit proportion ofchemto ferue for ornarnene, and vie, but cutting them off (at leafi in our harts and affe Sbons) when being more then needs,they growfuperfuous. Wee are pilgrims on earth, and therefore let our hearts be fpeci- ally fee and fixed on our heauenly cos triez we are to runne a race for no leffe a prize,then the crowne of glory, and Cher- foreletvt farm:,tbatweraay obtains, and as the Apoille ex- r,Cor.9.23,4. horteth
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