THE EPISTLE DEDICATORY. ded vnderyournames Thal find withyou kindaccep= tance,notvpon prefumption of their worth, but be- caufe it is thenatureof loue tocaufe a man hopefully to expeâ for correfpondency of affehion in them whom it loueth,thoagh there be almofl no proporti- on in defers . Neither could I find fitter patrons for treatifes of this nature; forwho are more fit then the vertuous and religious to defend and countenance fuch difcourfesas tend to the vpholdingand aduan- cingofvertue and pietie , and to the fuppreßîng and beating downe of vice and wickedneffe?andwhoare more able to daunt the courages of the vicious and malicious, which aredaily ready towreck their fpight vpon thofe who inueigh againfl their darling firmes, then they, wholevertuous difpofition is bothgraced and ftrengthened with honour and eminency of place, andalfo with the gracious :fauour ofour dread Soueraigne .? As therefore I haue refpe6iuelydedi- cated thefemy labours vnto your Honours,toaccept them with your wonted kindneffe, and vouchfafe themat your leafures your perufall , andme your ho-, nourable fauours; fo fhail I be more and more boúd topray vnto the Lord, that hewil grant vnto your Honors a daily increafe ofgrace_ and true gonor in this world,and eter- nail gloryandhappineffe inthe world to come. Your Honoursin all bumble dutietobecommanded, 'JOHN DOVVNAMFc.