Efa, f,zs z,Pet.4.3 Propter con. potationem Eccl,io,17 §.Sea.6. worldly men glory in their wa4ch drinking !attach in: 1?emogh. z. 4rijlip.apHd Laert ljb.s, cap: s< 114 theexcifes ofdrain ards takfn faculties as at other rimes. But Tuch arc to know , that not onelq drinking vntodrunkenneffe, is condemned by cods word ; but alfoexccfliueand immoderatedrinking,when as men fit much at the wine, and take their chick dclightin tipling, ycait is a.finnemorehainous beforeGod, thenmo- derate drunkenneffe , when as men drinkingfpàringly, are yet oucrtaken at vnawares, through the wcakencifc and in- firmityoftheir brainc; for they Gnnefgmcrimes vnaduifed- ly, and inCome fort againfttheir will,but the othercontinue in their vicevponadeliberate purpofe,voluntarilie and fully; they throughwcakencife ofnature , tilde for want of grace. And therefore the Lord rangeththemwith com- mon drunkArds,anddenouncethagainfl them thelike (Care- full woe.ECa. s. z2. Vroevnto them that aremighty todrinke wine,andto them that arehang topowre inftzrongdrinke. So the Apoftle Peter, reckoning vp the lulls of theGentiles, numbreth amongfi them ,not onelydrunkenneffc,but alto, exceJuedrinkngr, i.Pet.4.3,. And thofe Princes arcc&lcm-. ned,who drinkenot for thera , or for fircngth and ncurifh -.. ment,but for drinkcs fake; that is,becaufe they takepleafure and delight in immoderate drinking.Ecclelio.17. But howfoeuerthe Ipirit ofGodthus condenmeth it,.yet . worldly men whowould bee. accounted ChtiWians,arc fo far from cenfuring it asa vice, that they thinke it an excellent.. property , and a (iingular ornament, whereby they grace themfelues, when as they candrink more then twoor three, and yet beare iraway, and beeingon the benchofgood fel- low(hip areableto get the vitory in quafñ.)g,and drinke the ref}oftheir company vnder the,.table :hut what excel- lency is in this quality , to fucke in muchdrinke, which ( as,.. Demo5henesfaidofKing Philip) is common to them,with a fponge ? what great exploit doe they in drinking more then others, feeingahorfe, or. mulecan drinke more then they? what matter ofboaflinghaue they, that their flomackeswill.. Beare and hold more wine then the ref} of the company, feel ng{as Seneca faith) in this thewine caske farre excel letla them ? what great conquefl haue they got,when inexcelliue d tinking they haueousrconie all their companions , ,feting in