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Iol; 3.3. RoM.8.t.s3 §.SeEl.7. abat the kns ofvueleannes' are hainoufly cttill. 138 Generalreet fons todi f fadeamen fromfornication. Eying and fubduing there filthy lullsof the flcfh ; feeing, as theApoille tellethvs,they fight againfl our foules; & there- fore if we donot incounterthem, they will affault vs; ifwe doe not mafler andouercome them,they will Purely giue vs afhamefull ouerthrow : they are fruits of the flefh, and no- table fgnes of vnregeneration, which flop the entrance in- toGods kingdome,for exceptwe heborneagaine,we(hallnot enter into thek,ingdomeof God,Ioh.3.3. And as they difpof.. feire vs ofour heauenlypatrimony,fo they enter vs into the certaine poffef ion of the hellish inheritance : for they who walke after the flea) in fulfilling thelufis thereof, theyare not inChrifl, andconfequently hauenot efcaped condom_ nation;yea,whofoeuer liue after the flefh they fhall dy,euen the fpirituall death of body and foule. If therefore wee wouldnot march in the ranke of the vnregenerate, & fight vnder the condu&ofthe flefh,whofe vi&ory is our vtter o- verthrowand deflru&ion : if wee loneeternall life, or feire euerlafling death & condemnation in thehellish torments, let vs not nourifh thefe filthie lufts, but vfe our bef meanes, and imploy our flrongefl forces, and moil earne4l ende- uours tomortifie and fubdue them. CHAP. IIII. That thefornicator f:nnethmanywaits : andfir,/ in ref eEl: of Gad. He fourth reafon to refiraine all men from the fins of fornication &vncleanneffe, is becaufe they are hainoufly euil,there being no refpe& orrelation of euill to be named, which is not coincidentand inreparably ioyned with thefe vices. For whereas all kind ofeuill maybe reduced to two heads,as beingeither the euill of fin, or the euill of punifh_ ment : this finne of fornication comprifeth themboth, like an euill,yet fruitfull tree, bearingboth the fummer fruiteof fin, and the autumne and after fruit ofpunifl:ment. Firfl, that it is out ofmeafurefinful,it mayhereby appeare,in that it