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140 How the fornicatorfznneth againt God. holineffeandhonour, and not in the lufito fconcupifcence, as the .TEefa. 3. gentiles which know not God: as appeareth, i .Theff4.3.4 5 It is the will of God that we fhould beprepared as pure Ephef.5.z7. brides for his fonne Chrifl,nothauing oolyfpot or wrinckle,ho. ly withoutblime.Yea,fo far offihould we be from defiling Ephe 5.3. ofour bodies, by cômitting thefe fins ofvncleanneffe, that he would not haue vs fomuch as to defile our tongues by oncenaming ofthem,with the leaf+ approbation or delight. Whofoeuer therefore perpetrate & commit thefe works of darkeneffe,they contumacioufly refill the will ofGod; the which their rebellion is fo much the more intollerable, be- caufe they difobey the Lórd to obey their own filthylufis, and rebel! againfl their fupreme Soueraigne,to pleafure and gratifie their flauifh,bafe andbrutiih affeóììons. §.SeCt.4 Thirdly, whoremongers finne hainoufly againfl God,by 3. Forrlicat(YS fubuerting& deflroying mariage, which is Gods holy or- Gad bÿ¡rrbier dinance, inílituted by the Lord himfelfe inParadife, that it tingmariage might be the only lawful meansofpropagating his Church which is ha and people, and to preferue them from beeing defiled with ownordinante. filthy lulls and inordinate concupifcence. For theywho Gen 2.24. Mal.z 15, fpend their flrength vpori harlots, difable themfelues for I.cor.7.z. lawful! mariage,they who loue the flewes, loath the mari- age bed ; and ifthe heart be inueigledwith the inticingal- lurements offilthy llrumpets,they will neuer delire a-lawful wife ; but the mariage yoke vnto fuch, is an intollerable dui amant burthen, & they feeme to themlelueLs to indure amiferable grèfibi fe- thraldome, and to be depriued wholly of their liberty, ruitvxorem when as beeing infeparably ioyned with ayokefellow, they COMM. a:t are refirained from running into lawleffe licentioufnefle. And becaufe they are in loue with their fpirituall difeafes of vncleanneffe, therefore they hate the cure,and abhorre mar- §;Set -i 5. riage, the remedyoftheir finne. Fornicators fin But as fornicators finneagainfl the wholeGodhead; fo agaia1i cucrr morediflinélly againfi euery perfon in the Deity its a peen- perfon in the liar manner. As firfi they fin againfi God the Father by rob- Deity,andfrrfi bin him ofthe end and honour of theircreation. For the main. God g the Father. Lord created our bodies ,as the Apofileteachethvs,not for 1,Cot.6.i3. fornication,but for himfelfe ; not that we fhould fpendour firength