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Hots th.fornicatorfinneth atgainfi his neighbour. r45 not but beexceedingly troubled and turmoiled in his mind,' when as his confcience !hall tell him,that by his lu(f and vn- cicannetfe he bath brought others through his wicked fel- lowfhip into the fame finne and condemnation a in which Elate they í1ìl1 remaine without repentance; or at leali hee theircompanion in wickednetfe isnot alluredthat theyalto accompany him in his true conuerfion. But as the fornicator finnethagainfl hiscopartner in vn- S. SeEa.4; cleanncffe,fo alfo again{l others; as namely again(' hisowne Thefornicator and his compauions,parentsand nere friends,firtf, becaufe finneth agarnfi this fiithinetfe caufeth a tainter in the bloud , andwith the the parents 6. fr of thine thereof bringeth foie blemi(h vpon their name, partydeiends fledthe though theybe innocent of the fault.The which Co much in- cenfed Jacobs tons for the debutingof their filter, becaufe the (hame thereofredounded not only to her felf,butto her father and friends; forfoitisfaid,chat theywere grieued and veryangry , becaufe this villanywas committed in Ifrael,andGen 34.7. becaufeSichemhad lien with Jacobs daughter. And this was the caufe why the highPriel}s daughter playing the harlot, wasby the law ofGod to be burnt with fire , becaufe byher whoredome (hehad polluted her father :as it is Leuir.2i.9. , And fecondly , in that hereby robbing their children or friendsofgrace, vcrtue, and that chicleornamentofchaffi- ty, they alto depriue their hearts ofall true ioyand found comfort , which they otherwik might haue hadof them, when as peeing priuy totheir finne they cannot looke vpon them without (name and blu(hing; nor acknowledge them for theirown unto othcrs,lef theymay keine tohaueLome intere(I in their faults. Soallo they finne gricuouíly again(I their owne children §,Se ,s; begotten in fornication, and that before they arcborne,and Thefornicator afterwards : for they ingraine them in thedeepedieof their finneth againff finne,whichwil neuerbewa(hedout,althoughit maybe co- bid n begotte uertdwith their vertues,ardbrand themwith the infamous in fornication markeofbalfardy, beforethey breath theaire. They make the poore infant beare the punifhment of their finne,euen whilett it telfe-is borne in the mothers bellie, and before it /lath any name given it , they inti'tle it to the infamous fur- y name