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Vow thefornicatórßnneth again his neighbour. 147 holy things,and thefeedof thewickedbed[hall beerootedout, 17.And though they line lonn,yct(hall they benothingregar- ded,& their laßageThal bewithout honour. ¡8.ff they die ha- filly,they haueno hope,nor comfort in theday oftrial.19. For horrible is theendofthewickedgeneration.To cóclude,they utterly ditable them to the vttermolf of theirpower,from all preferment both in the Church andcommon wealth;for by the lawofGod it was enacted that a baflard (houldnot enter into thecongregation ofshe Lord tobeareanyoffice there- in,vntothe tenth generation; and both diuìne and humane lawesel$eeme and reputeThem as abiecs in the family,who Deut.:;,® may notdiuide the inheritance among their brethren , be- cattle they are not knowne childrenof their father , but are accounted the childrenof the country . And thefe are the manifold culls which vncleanc whoremongers bring vpon their children , inwhich they continue till the filthinelfeof generationbe cleanfed in thenew laucrof regencration,vn- till thebeauty ofgrace hath couered the deformity ofna- ture, and the glorious titleof the childrenof God hath ta- kenaway the blemifhof the childrenoffornication , and gi- raen themallured interell vnto all Godsbenefits , and to the heauenly inheritance ofthe holy Sauats : the which howfo- euer it is fomewhat rare,yet fometimes it commeth to pafle when the Lord will magnifie the greatnell'e of his mercy, power and goodncffe , by the vnworthinefe and miCerable condition ofthe perfonwhom headuanceth. CHAP. VI. 2"hat the fornicatorgriemoufly fnnethagainfl wholefocieties. = ND thus the fornicator finneth again(} parti- ,: . , A culer perlons. And bee alfa otfendeth again(} 404 whole focicties; for whereas the Lord hath gi uen veto man a naturall vertuc and faculty of generation, whereby his kind might bee propagated and multiplied, and bath ordained mariage as an honorable meanesto pteferue it honed ,pureand holy; the fornicator V initiating §.ScEl.T.' Tbe fornicQtor hoirJMclhthe follntaii3e of humanefu- defies.