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t se That thefornicatorgrietloufyfinneth againft hi nfelfe; def}roiedwith fireand brimfgone,which rained downe from heauen. The filthinetie ofthe Canaanites caufed the land to Leuit. 18. fpue out her inhabitants, and to become a pray to their con.. 2.5m. queringenemies . And when the ifraclites could notbe war. ned by their example, for the fame finne thewhole tribeof, Bcniaminwas vtterly defiroied. §.SeEt. I: Thejornieator finxetb ágain(# bisowne body, and tbat di. gr fly. r,Cor,i.t8. Mo. S:E.9. Mat./ 5.7,93o liora.t. 24. Q 'CHAP, VII. .Thai thefornicatorfinneth moffgrieuoufy againft himfelfe. Nd thus haue I Chewed that the fornicator in ma- ny ref-peas finneth again(} his neighbour . But as flee finneth again:}others, fo molt hainoufly a- gainfi himfelfe, and that both again{} his feuerall parts,and alíoagainf}his whole perfon. He finneth againli his feuerall parts, bothhis bodic, and his Coule; fitf}again(' hisowne bodie; for whereas emery otherfinne that amanBoth is with- out thebodie,bethat committethfornication, finneth againfz his owne body . As theApofile faith , r. Cor.6. x 8.that is,o- ther finnes for the perpetrating of their wickedneffe,doe a- bide Comeoutwardobietg as their infihurnent; but theforni- cator abufeth his ownebody to thispurpofe. And thus the fornicator finneth again(}his owne body' diuerfly : fir(},by di(honouring of it , for hecmakech it bee. ing the member ofChrifl`, to become themember ofan har- lot,and turneth thehonourable Templeof theholy Ghof}, into a filthybrothel! and vncleane [Imes. Secondly,by de- filingofic; foras all other finnes doepollute a man,fo cfpe- cially the finne of whoredome, for it defilethnot onely the perCon who committeth it, but hebeing defiled like afilchie 'caper, infe eih the aire withhis breath , andpollutcth the wholeland where !lee dwclleth, as appearcth, Leuit. i 8, 25.27. And hence it is, that howfocuer all other Clones de- ft'eand pollute vs,yetthefefinnes offornication andwhor- dome are by a certaine kind ofeminency called the finnes fvncicanncircand 1ilthineffe, bccaufe theydefile inapecu- liar