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That thefornicatorgrieuoufl*finneth againfihimfelfe, i yg Concerning the fbrmcr it is Laid , that no a $.ncleane thingoif l :ieaur the (hall euer corer into the ioyes of the new Icrufalem, and andc4icrh much Iei&c theft who are defiledwith the mot+polluting fins bimielfeinro offornication and vncleanneife; that b whoremongers Ilia' hell. be excluded out of there eternal' ioyes , andhaue no part in aá`ßb if this heaucnly c inheritanceprepared for the Saints,as appea- 1 Cot.6.9, reth by manifold te(timonicsofholy Sciipture. And for the Gals z9.zt other,the Scriptures plainly tea ifie that whoremongers hold EpneL the dire et courfe which leadeth into hell and euerlafling condemnation ; fo the wife man faith that the harlots houfe Prou. z,0. & tendeth to death, and that hergueJ s are in the depth of hell, 7.27. and 9. And the holyGhoft plainely telleth vs,thatamongfl many other hainous (inners, thewhoremongerfhalfhauehispartin the Iak ' which burneth withfireand brimf?one ,which is the fecond death : Apoc. 21.8. Now what dcfperate folly is this A oc,:r.8. for a brutish pleafure which is vaineand momentany, toha- zard the lofieofthe eternal! ioyesofGods kingdomc 2 And for the quenchingoftheir burning& beaftly lufl,to kindle not oncly the flameofGods wrath,but alto thedreadful fire of hell , wherein they (hall eternally be tormented both in fouleandbody? CHAP. VIII. Thatfornication is thecaufe ofman, othergrieuoue f:nnes. Nd thus haue I fhewed that the fornicator fin- nethhainoufly, both in refpc&of God, hisneigh- bour, and himkelfe. Now I am further to proaue, that as this finne of whoredome is in it Celle exceeding finnefull, Co alCo it is the caufc.of diuers other gricuous §.Sec`s, r. Thatfarnicati. 0niitbe carafe ofadalterie and al1abomi. nable vncican- finnes for when the confcience is defiledwith this poilu- neffe, tingfinne , it is made fit to admit and intertaine the fouleft vices, and molt enormous crimes , and fuch a large breach bceing made therein , it is eafly ouerflowed and drowned with aflood ofwickedneffe . More efpecially,fornication is the caufeofgreater finitesofthe fame kinde, as for example X2