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16z The pun ments-of whoredome in this life. caufe intohis owne hands,and proceedeth againf} thefe fil- thy perfons, not only as a Indgeand witneffe againfl them, but as the executioner of that it'll fente.nce which himfelfe hath pronounced.So he faith that he would come neere vn_ to the Ifraelites to iudgemcnt, &be a fwift witneffe again(} Mal. ;. s. the whoremongers, Ma1.3.5. and Hcb.13.4. it is raid that I-hieb.t3 .4. whoremongers andadulterers, Godhimfelfe williudle, Yea,fo odious is this finne in the fight of thisvpright Iudge , that though he be infinite in mercy, yet he profeffeth that he couldnotin his iuflice let this brine goevnpunifhed,Ier.5.7. Ier. s 7. IHowfhall Ifpare theefor this ? thy children haueferfakenme, &c. eflnd though Ifed them to thefull,yet they committed whoredome, andaffembled themfelHes by companies in harlots houfes, A.notable example of this feuere execution of Nut .i5. iuflice for this finne,we haue Nomb.25.where by Gods ex- preffe commandment 24000. wereslaughteredfor commit= tingwhoredome with the daughters of Moab and fo the burning heat oftheir filthy lulls was quenchedwith a large fireame of their owne bloud. .SeEl.z. But-that we may defcend tomore particulars, the finne That God pv- offornication is punifhed, by God both in this life, and in nì(hetbforni- the life to come. In this life the. Lord infli&eth on it both eaters with p rivate and publike unifh.ments. The punifhments which poxerty and beggeric. are impofed vpon private men are either temporali or fpiri= tuall. The fornicator is punifhed with temporali punifh- ments both in his flate,perfon,and poflerity : in his (late he is punifhed with pouerty and extreme beggery ; for this burning lull is as a confuiniiig'fire, which deuourethall the Prou.6.2,6. fubllance, &bringeth menofgreat wealth to fuch extreme penury, that theyare (as theWifeman faith) glad to beg a peece of bread. And this comtncth topaffe firll and princi.. Io', 24.18, pally, ibeçaufe the curie ofGod is vponhis flue and labors for this-finne,fo,that nothinghe hathdothpro er,nothing Pial. he doth well fucceedeth vnder his hand: and partlybecaufe his mind is fo befottcd with his filrhÿ lulls; that hee negle- £ethhis Elate, not caring which end goes forward, fohee may enioy his beafily pleafure ; and partly by reafon that this.finne is exceeding co'flly, andthoughit beMoltbafe& bru tifh,