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Gen.34. 5.SeEb. 2. That lame to ear countrey fbouldmake privatemen abhor, and Magifirates punifb, thisfin sfw boredom 174 Theptsnifhnsents of whoreslome in this life. Dinah, lacobs daughterwere vtterly deflroyed. Thewhich as it was a bloudy finne in Iacobr fonnes , fo no doubt it was a fearefull judgement ofGodvpon that cïty,the which hehath left as anexample unto after ages, to Phew how o- dious and abominable the fins of whordomeand vnclean- neffe are in his fight. The confideration whereoffhouldboth reflraine private men from defiling themfelues with thecarnali filthinelfe of their vncleane lulls, feeing thereby theynot only bring fo manifold mifchiefes vpon their owneheads, but alto make their deare country which hath giuen vnto them theirfirft breath,andcontinual maintenance,education,anddefence, liable vntoGods fearefull plagues,which they fhould more tender andprecioufly efleeme, then either goods, lands, or life it felfe. As alto it ought tomoue Magiflrates, who are appointedbyGod as his deputies onearth,that in zeale for Gods glory,& loue to their country,theybothmakewhol- fome lawes, for thepunifhing & fuppreffingoftheft vices, and alto fee them duely executed, by infliting iufl and de- ferued punifhments vpon the offenders ; for where finne is punifhed with ordinary punifhments,there the Lord fei- dome infli6ethhis extraordinaryplagues; neither doth our Soueraigne Lord and fupreme Ridge , take the execution of iuflice into his owne hands, but when it is negle&edby his inferiour and earthly officers. Whereas contrariwife when Magiflrates fleepe and winkce at enormious crimes, then the Lord 'efpecially watcheth and beholdeth them, when as their fword of iuflicemoil rufleth in the fcabberd, then is the Lordmofl ready todrawout the terrible fword of his fierce vengeance, whereby he deflroyeth both the wicked peopleand the negligent Magiflrates, CiIAP