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Ofthepun pmcnts ofwhoredome in the life tacome. 175 CHAP. XIII. Of theeternal punifhments which Godinflifteth vpon fornicators. Nd thefe are the temporali punifhments which §,Sert.r. theLord infltdieth bothvpon private perfons, r. God depri- and wholeCommon-vvealthcs, for this finof uetb them for whoredome; the whichalthough theyare ma- topsfin,o` the io:es of beauen ny andgrieuous,yet are theynothing in corn- parifonofthofe eternal" punifhments whichhe hath prepa- red forthofe whoare guiltyofthis crime in the life to come For firft,whereas our chiefehappineffe íhal thenprincipally confift in the fruition ofGod, becaufe he is infinite in all goodnefl'e and perfe Lion, and inan vnfpeakeableand vn- meafurable degree,comprehendeth inhimfelfe alone al that vertue, excellency, delight; comfort, and vvhatfoeuer good thingmay bedefired,either for the inflamingofour loue,or the perfectingofour ioy; with which ifwe compare all the Boodnefhe and excellency ofthe creatures which eitherhaue eene, are, or {hall be , they are altogether incomparably leffe,-then the leaf+drop in refpe&ofrhe maine Ocean, and then the fmallefi graineoffand in comparifon of thewhole globe ofthe earth: this fin ofwhored6e doth exclude vs for euerout of his prefence in which is fumes of ioy, & cafleth vs into an euerlaf}ingbanifhment out ofhisheauenly king- dore.So the Apoflle tellethvs:Thatneitherfornicators,nor Idolaters,noratdulterers,norwantons,norbuggerers, &c .{hall 1 Cor. C 9; inherit the Içjngdome ofGod.And thatdogi,inchanters,whore- mongers, murtherers, and fuch outragious {inners, ;hall be Apoe'2.2'15'' {hut out of the gates ofthe new Ierufalem. If thereforeba- nifhment out ofour earthly Countrybe accounted fuchar` heauy punifhment, that euery one carefullyauoydeth fuch faults as may deferue it,thewhich in truth in comparlfon,is but a temporary changing ofthe place of our exile, the vvhole world being but aplaceofbanifhtment fromourhea- venly country; howmuchmore carefully fhouldwe auoid thefe