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Y 2That theadulterer fnnethgrieuoufiy agalnftt hIs nek.4or §.Se('f.2; they, like Satan himfelfe, tow inhis .choifel}.ground fuch 2He corn- curledweeds,thar they are athamcd to reape,or owne in the mittethagainft timeof harucii; and graft into his bet} valued (lockewilde htmh and wicked m s which nourifliethasthough deseit,an,and i xa- i ps ' y Whim theft. they were his owne handy-worke, vntill their wicked and vnnaturall fruits difcouer them tobe none ofhis. They cuc- kow-like lay their filthy egge in anothers net} , making him to loue,cherifh , and nourifh it,asifit were his owne iiue,till ludgs, beinggrowneto tome bignefre,it vnnaturally fccketh to de- (iroy the nurfc,and utterly ruinateth his whole poaerity,ln a word, they theeuifhly thruf} their owne ba1}ardly brood into another mans poffefhons, cauling him to receiue the portion of a child from him, who is not his father,and to !hare the inheritance among them who arenot his brethrê. And that which isworf} ofal,rhrough thisdeceit theymake the innocent party to carke and care , to fpend his Cweate, and to Cpare from his owne backe and tìclly, that in the end hemay beÍlow the fruiteofhis labours , tomaintaine and prouidc for fuch anonc,as is not only a firanger,bur thedue ofhis mortali enemy, whoaboueall men liuing bath moll difgraced and abufedhiin.Andyet this is not thewort} kind oftheft which the adulterervfeth; for he not only fpoileth his neighbor ofhis common andordinary goods,the which loffehce mightrecompence with a proportionable fatisfa- &on ; but hee all() robbethhimofhis chicle tieafure, and moll efleemed iewel,the heart,loue and affe&ionofhis wife, the which wrong bee can neuer recompence though lice thouLd befiowvponhim his whole of+ate , normitigatehis raging icaloufie, breathingnothingbut reuenge, ifeuer bee come to the knowledge thereof , thoughhe lliould inrich himwith his gifts. For(as theWile man faith)iealoufie is the rageofa man , therefore hee will notfare in theday ofven- geance.He cannot endure thefight efany ranfome,neitherwill Prou.6.34.3 5 . hebeappeared though thou augment thegifts. Prou.6.34.3 S. g.SeEiz.3. Finally , as the adulterer plaierh the theefe again(} his The adulterer neighbour', in robbinghimof hisgoods; Co oftentimeshe áctF,rhe plaieth the tragicall part ofa bloody rnurtherer, in fpovling nrurthtrer. him ofhis life : for being inwardly tormentedwith thera- ging