Q f thepuni1hment ofadultery. 189 minablevntoGod, and foernicie?Jt vntohumane fociety; otherwife theguilt thcreor t +eheatiyvpon theiand,and prouoke the Lord in his w i.. difi.leafure,not only to punitli Deut.0 them and the wholecountry for their negligence and renrif-Ezech,s:.is neflé,but allo to takevengeance ofthe offendershimfclf by his extraordinary iudgements, wl,cnordinarypunifliments arcnot inQteted .. For when Magtt}rates negled their dutie to puni.fhing this (inne , then the Lord will take the !ward of iuf}ice into his owne hand, according to that , Heb, i; 4° Heb.r34.. Whoremongersand adulterers Godwilliudge,Sohe Caith,MaI. Mal.3.5. 3.5. thathimfeife would come neere vnto thepeople oflu_ da in judgement, and would beea fwift witnetk again[} the adulterers : and let.-5.7.8. 9. hee profeffeth that in his iuf}ice- Ier,5,.8, be could not (pare themwho were guilty of this fïnne of whoredome,butwould vifit them, and beaucnged on them for this and fuch other abominations . As therefore it is im- poffible fora man to rake fire into his bofme, or to wale vpon.the hot coales and not beburnt; fo impoflible is it,thae a.man lhoulddefile his neighbours wife, and be acquittedof theLord as innocent, as the Wife ma.t tclle;h vs : Prou 6. 27.ay. Now the punirninents which the Lordvftially inflióócth v-ponadulterers in this life, are not only the fame which hee intliaeth vpor,fornicators,ofwhich I haue already fpoken, as pouerty, infamy, (lauery to their luf}sandharlots, loth- folic difeafes, impenitency and Cuch like, the which the Lord accordingtothe ruleof his iuf}ice in a due proportion to their finne, andcaufeth them to light much moreheauily vpon the adulterer then vpon the fornicator, - in as much as hee much more hainonllyoffcndeth ; but alfo withforce peculiar punifhrnents which are more proper to this Clone. As firt} hee punsfheth adultery by the lawof re- quital' , and as theydefileother mens wiucs,fo bee fuffereth. othermétoabufe theirs with the like filthineffe &vnclean- ne{fe. And this is that puuifhment which theLord threat- ned again(! Druid, & afterwards inflic`}cd vpon him for his Adultery. with Yriahr wifc,2.Sam. t 2.I i .Thvtsfaith theLord; .B4 :3 .Behold, Pro.6.27.29., g. Sea. 5. Godpunifbetb_ adulteryby the Invofrequi. tall z,Sain.I2.I2.. and 16,13.