IoltI191o. §.Sec%, 6. -God puni[herb adultery with his heauy care. I0'4.9,22. Num5.5,z7. 5.Seff.7. Thepuis!, ruent of adul- tery in the life to c®sne. t ço Ofthe punilhment ofadultery. Behold,Iwillraifevp euillagainfthee owl of thineown houfe, andwill rake thy trrues before thine eies andgiue them vnto thy neighbour , and heelball liewith thy wiuer in thefight of this fssn. The which was accordingly executed,asappea- reth, 2. Sam. i 6.22.And this judgement lob to approoue his innocency in this behalfe, imprecatethagain fl himfelle ¡file had at any time polluted himfelfe and his neighbours wife with this fin : lob 31.9. to.lfmine hearthath Beenedeceiueel with a woman or if !haue laidwaiteat thedoore ofmyneigh- bour ;let my wifegrindeunto anotherman,andlet othermen bow downe vpon her. Secondly, the Lord punifheth this hainous finne,with his heauy curie and tnaledittion, for howfocuer the curfe ofthe law belongeth generally to all tranfgretl'ors,yet in Come fpe- eiall manner it is denounced again(' this (-nine ofAdultery; and therefore the Prophet forctelleth,that when they of the captivity of Judah fhould take vp a fearc full curie again(} any , it Iltould bee in this forme, that the Lordwould make them likeveto Zedechiah and like Ahab, two notable adul- terers; as appeareth, ler. 2 9.22.So the Lord faith inhis law, that when the adultereshad drunk the curled water, it'hawk! be turned intobitternefe, and caufe her belly tofwell,andher thigh to rot, and the woman fhouldbee accurfedamong her people: as it is Numb.5.27. But howfoeuer theLord , to fliew the riches of his mercy toall repentant linnets, and to make the impenitent much more vnexcufable, doch fometiwes forbeare to in(la there puniflrments upon adulterers in this life, yet will hce molt f irely,and mo(I fcuerelypunífh them in the life tocome.For if fornicators Fall bee depriuedofthe 'oyes of heauen,and haue their portion in hell re , cuenin the lake which bur- neth with fire and brim(}one, as before I haue (hcwed;rhen Purely theadulterers,whofe Panne is much morevnexcufáble and hainous,fliall bee plunged into a farredeeper degreeof condemnation,and bemuch more cxluifitely tormented in thoCe heliiih torments. And there are thole intollerable and etcrnall punifhméts,which are in fo anyplaces of theholy Scriptures