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Of themanes topreferue v.rfromwhoredome. Iii Scriptures denounced againfi adulterers, Come whereofl will annex,that who ibwil may fearch and examine them.' .Cor. 6. 9.1o. GaL5 .19.21,EpheL5.5.Apoc.2i.8.and 22.15. CHAP. XVIf. Ofthemeaner wherebywemay bepreferued fromwhoredome. 4 *, Nd thus haue I fpoken of the finnes ofvncican §.Sec.'. b ff rnication which is that filthi-The frßmeans netle, oth o o p fink is torecra;me neffe that is committed betweene IPn° et -our veils ¡tom tons; andofadulterie , which is committed be- vncleanNerie t veene married folkes; and haue proouc d that they' are not by co;3idering onely hainous Canes, but allo that they are attended vp- tkeBuds txhicl on with innumerable mtichiefcs, and punifhed with fcare_ doeaceompd- full punillimcnrsboth in this life, and the life to come. Now nitit. in the !aft place I will yet downe fome mcanes, wherebywee may bee the better inablcd to preferueour bodies in purity and chaflity, and bee either refirained or reclaimed from whoredome and vncleanneffe. Thewhich meanes areeither common preferuatiucs from all manner of filthie lulls, or more proper remedies agatnfl adultery. Concerning the formcr,ifwe, would be preferued from whoredome and all manner of fitthineffe, it behooueth vs firft to teclaimeour willes,and to taotkein our hearts andatfe&tonsan vtter ha- tred and detefiation ofthis fin , fo as we may delirenothing more than to beprererued from ir, ifwe be yet innocent ; or at 1caI},mybe reclaimed, ifwe haue offended. For as it is in vainc to prefcribegood medicines to fuch a paticnt,as being in loue with his difeafes , will not re ceiue them; fo it is in vaine to thinke ofineanes to preferuevs from fïnne,ifwee full haue a liking of it, or ofremedies to cureour fpirituall difeafes, ifwe be not come to ancamel delire andhearty re- f.dution to part withothem. To this purpofe therefore let vs in the firfi place often meditate with ourfelucs,of that which bath beene already fpoken,both concerning the hainoufnes of the finne ,and thegrcatncflc of diepunifhment As for: cxat:,ple.