s.SerF. 2. 'lb,: jecond meancs:ó to p:a;ifie our beansf°am fa;t6.1Tlo. 19Z Ofthemanes toprefers e vsfremwhoredom.. example , that it is in a hi oh degree , a notorious breach of Gods commandcnicnt the tranfgreilionuhet cot-is accom. paniedwith a fcarefull curie ; that is a badge of l tch an one as God hate:h, and a notable fruiteof the fleflr in which who- foeuer liue,fhall die eternally :That he who committeth ir, grieuoufly finned) againfl God,his neighbour, and hirofelf, and thatin many refpe6ts as hath Eocene !Hewed :That it is a eaufe alfo ofmanyoth:r Pnnes, the !call whereofdcferucth etcrnall death : Thathowfoeuer carnali tnenmake it their 1- doll andchiefe delight, yet in truth is is a fcarefull puni(lh. ment ofdiuers other grieuousfnnes That it Idlealto hath manyfearefull punilhments attending vpon it; for it ruineth a mans e(ate,itcxpofcth his name to infamy and reprochait makethhim a flaue to his owne filthy lufsand a vatfall to an odious (trumpet :it infatuatcth themind, andbringeth vpon the body lothlomedifeafcs, and vntimelydeath :it fubicc4- cthaman to Gods fierce wrath, and caufeth impenitency andhardnetreofheart : it fetteth theolfc ndc r vpon a conti- nual' racke, and haunteth him like a hellifh fury: and in a word,it diCpotreflcth himofthe ioyesofheautn,and ca(icth himheadlong into the lake which burneth with fire & brim- flone. And ifhauingput into theone skolethcfe manifold cuils of(inne andpuni(hment,wealloputinto the other the pleafure andprofit of this (inne, and confider withour felues how that we vndergoc all thefe mifchiefcs for the fatisfying of our brutifh lulis,and for theenjoying ofa vaine,(hortand bealïly pleafure; it is not poffible (ifwee bee notaltogether blockifhand void ofcommon fenfe)but that we (hould hate andabhorre this (inne , and carneffly labour in thevCe ofall good meanes,whereby wee maybe preferuedand delivered from it. Now thefe meanes whichmay bee vied for this purpofe are manifold; fir(l, we mull labour to purge and purifieour hearts from vncicane luas,as being thevery fountaines ofal filthineffe and-pollution.; and to withfiand to thevtterrnoa ofour power the fir(} motions and inclinations which draw vsv;:to this fiune. For as Chri(hans ought to be Co farreoff fromemittingchek workes ofdarkcnetre,that they fhould not