194 Ofthemeaves topreferuevsfrernwhoredome. Saints, and ble%dAngels ? what will it profit vs to bee ac- quittedat the barre of the earthly Iudge, and tobe deliue_ red from temporariepunifhments,which might bring vs to repentance ; iffor ourfecret wickedneffe,wee muí} one day bec arraigned before the fuprearne ludge of heauen and earth, and be condemned andadiudged to fuffer the eter- nall torments of hell fire ? s.Seï.4. Thirdly, if we wouldpreferue our bodies in puritie and The Mirth chaf}itie, andnot defile them with vncleane luí }s and filthie meones is to fornication, we mutt fort our felues in their companie who con¡ort afar are chat}and honeft,and flee the focietie offuchas are wan- felket rnith eháfle corn- ton,lafciuieus, & infamous,threugh their filthie conuerfa- pony. tion. And this is that preferuatiue which the wife man pre- =róu.s,s. fcribethVs,Prou.5.8.Keepe thy wayfarrefrom the harlotsand come not neere the deoreofherhoufe : Left thougiue thineho- nor unto others,and thyyeeres vnto the cruel'. So theApoflle aduifeth the Corinthians,not to keepc companiewith for- a.Cor. 5.5. nicators,nor fo much as to gate with themwhowere fo re- 9. 1O puted, becaufea little leauen leaueneth the whole lampe, and Ephef. g v.9 one manbeing infe6ed with this contagious difeale ofvn- ceanneffe, is fit to infer a whole focietie, their touch and breath, their wantonbehauiour, and ribald fpeeches being noyfome andcontagious.With this agreeth the counfell of Ecclef,9,3.1 t the fonne ofSirach. ChaP.9.; . Meetanotan harlot,left then fallintohsrfnares.4. Vfenot the companie ofa woman that to afinger anda dancer,neitherheart her,left thoubee takenwith her craftineffe.andverf i i. Sit notat all with another mans wife, neither liewith her vpon the bed, nor banquet with her, left thine heart incline vetoher, andfo through thy defire, fall into deftruCtion.And this was that preferuatiuewhichlofeph vfcd to keepe him from the contagion ofhis Miflrifics luí4, namely by fleeing fpeedily out ofher company, when thee alluredhimvnto finne.Neither let any manprefumingvpon his owne flrength,defperately cart himfelfe into tentation ; for thoughhehaue a heart as firmeand hardas iron, yet the fire of luít will worke vpon it, and caufe it to become loft and effeminate;and thoughhe be not onercome,yet by fre- quenting fuchcompanie,aman (hall bring-ablorand thine vpori