Ofthe meanes toprefreuevs fromwhoredom'. 195 upon his good name ; for as the candle flickingupon the whitewall , though it doth not burne it, yet it blacketh it with foote and fmoke : fo, howfocuer this polluted fociety doth not inflame vs with this fire of luft, yet it biernifheth a mans credit and reputation. The fourth meanes to prcferue chaflity, and to keepe vs Tti eF,i`h. from thepollution of vncleanc lulls, is temperance and fo- he meaner briety inour meates and drinkes : vnto which is required, peraace in our firfl,in refpe&of the quantity, that we gate and drinke fpa- raerares alto ringly,to fatisfie,andnot to glut nature ; yea, and if this be drinhres, not fufficient , that wee fometimes vfe totali abílinence for the keeping vnder and fubduingofthefe flefhly luf}s ; and fecondly in refpeft of thequality,that we dot not vfe pam- pering meates,and inflaming drinkes(like the Papifis in the timeof their fafl)whichare the bellowes wherewith the fire of luf+ is kindled and inflamed. For as temperance is the sine eerere& toft faithfull keeper ofchaflity; fo intemperance in eatingy6nrofriSet and drinking is thevfuall harbinger oflufl, thenurce ofvn- cleanneffe, and the pile and wood wherewith thefe flames of filthineffe are kindled in theheart. And hence it is that theProphet Ieremie compareth whoremongers to pampe- redhorfes, who when they werewell fedand filled,neighed after their neighbours wiues, Ier.5.8. And therefore as his Ier.S,R, madneffe weretobe derided,who whenhe were burnt with ouermuch heat of the fire, fhould frill cart on more wood and oile, becaufehe fhould rather flacke it bywithdrawing thematter wherewith it is nourifhed ; fo it is no leffe ridi- culous if a man burning in lull, and detring to haue this fcorching beate allaied, fhould pamperhimfelfe with meate and drinke,which are the ordinarymeanes more to inflame him ; whereas hee fhould rather vfe farting and abflinence, ff which is the water wherewith the fire of iuft is flaked and §, Se.6. quenched. The fìxtb The fifth meanes is that we turne away our eies fromwan- meanes u to tonand lafciuious obie&s ; and that according to lobs ex- tKrne ev- y ample wemake a couenant with them, that we will not in ouretes from tvaxt any luflfull manner looke vpon a woman For the ties are írs, the ordinary windowes , whereat thefe flefhly lulls, like lob 3 r.ro C c 2 theeues,