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Ofthemeanes topreferuev.rfromwhoredeme. 197 eloquéce,& learning, make them to fcrape for thefe pearles and rich treafures in thefe filthydunghils, theymuff watch - fully take heed that they be not defiled with anypollution of vncleannes ; and whilefl like good Merchants they faile in thefe dangerous feas, to inrich themfelues with learning and knowledge, they are with all care and diligence to a-. ueide theferockes of ribauldry,whereupon they may at vn- awares make fhipwracke oftheir cha(lity, and to flop their ears againfl thefe Syrens Tongs, which will caufe them to drowne themfelues in the guileof vncleanneffe. For other- wife we (hall find it tobea bad change. when to inrich our minds withknowledge, we impouerifh our hearts offanç}i- ftcation, and for the gaining of learning tomake a wilful' forfeitureof graceand-vertue. But efpecially it behooueth thofewhohaueany care ofpreferuing their chaflity, that they turne away their eies from beholding flage plaies, Stage plates. which are vfually fraughtedwith fcurrilous jells, & ribauld filthine(fe; & in this refpe&no leffe pernicious for the infla- mingoffilthylufl,thcn bauds&pandors : in that thefepro feffedly infufe their poifon, but they flealingly andat vna- wares ; theycorrupt but one at once, but thefe whole mul- titudes at the fame inflant ; theyoftentimes deale by blunt perfwafion, haying nothing to aflifl them, but.the inward lull oftheparty whom theyallure,but thefe haue al thehelp of art, wit, eloquence, masking fhewes, fvveetmuficke, and wantondalliance, topoyfonthemindwith effeminate lufl, & toprepare the heart for vncleane delires ; in aword; they performe theirvvorkes ofdarkneffein the darke,& in fecret corners,as fhaming that the Sun fhould fee them, but thefe in thecleere li ght,at;nooneday a& theirimpieties with bra - fen foreheads, without fhame or blufhing. The fixth meanes to preferue chaflity, and tokeepe our §Sea7 bodies undefiled, is painefull labour in the workes of our r,e jxti, honefl callings; ; for when our minds are intentiue vnto our meaner to $ exercifeur bufineffe with ferious diligence, they will haue no leafure felu.s in pain. towander about lafciuious obie&ls ; and when the bodie is ANlabour. wearied withlaborious imploiments, it will not foeafilie wantornze in flefhlylull. Whereas contrariwife idleneffe C c 3 and