super Mat. tbekar. Cato. 198 Ofthe meaner topreferuevsfromwheredome. and floth,is the vfuall harbinger,which prouideth luí1a lod- ging, and when our hearts are cleane fwept fromall honefl imployments,theybecome fit habitations for thevncleane fpirits, to keepe their reuels in. To this purpofe is that of Chryfoflome : Vitixm libidinirfacileexotionafcitur, namde- finitio amorise(l, AAnima vacantispafo: The viceofluft(faith hee)eafily fpringeth from flotlafome idlenefe,for this is the definition of luflfull loue,that it is,apafonofan idle minde. For as one faithby doing nothing, wee learne todoe that which is ill; and when we are idle inGods feruice,the diuell taketh vs vp,& impjoyeth vs in the workes of darkneffe. Vnto this wemayaddewatchfulneffe,or moderatefleep; Yitchfulnejfe. which is alto a good preferuatiue of chaflity,and a repeller oflull :whereas contrariwife,he that giuethhimfelfeto ex- ceflìue sleeping can hardly be freed from luf}and Venery. And this as it is found true by commonexperience, fo it a grecth withnaturali reafon;feeing the excrement ofnature, and fountains of lufl,is as well fuppliedby excefliue fleepe, as by immoderate diet. And this the holy Ghofl implieth in the narrationof Dauidr whoredome, whereashe faith, that he role fromhis bed towards euening, and then lulled after Vriahswife ; for theywho fpend the day in fleeping, byall likelihoodwill fpend the night in lulling. Of morleßr in the lcot¿es and corantenance t,Tim i,9. CHAP. XVIII. Of the feuenthmeanes topreferuechafliti, towit, Chriffianmodeffie. H E feuenth meanes to preferue chaf%ity, is A r p4 chriflian modeflie;which confifleth in a lober, sit decent,and graue carriage & behauiour in all ethings which appertaine vntovs.As firfl,when aswee fhew our felues modeíl, bafhfulI, and fhamefafc in our lookes &countenance ; for as this is a no- table meanes to reflraine the party fromall wanton and laf- ciuiousbehauiour,when as he cannot without blufhing be- hold it in others ; fo is it as a flroxg fort for the defenceof chaflity .