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Of the meaner topreferitevs fromwhoredome. i 99 chaflitie, whereby thofe who are wantonlie difpofed, are difcouraged fromaffaulting it. Seeing there is little hope, that they, who will not vfe awanton loóke, will be drawne tovfe wanton behauiour; or that they who will not let lull haue a ratingplace in the fuburbes , will eucr fuffer it to in . habite in the heart of the citie. Whereas contrariwife a glancing eie and wanton lookes,an impudent face,and bra- Ier. 3.3. fenforehead, as they (hew the inward vncleannefl'e of the Pr©u. 7.13, heart,fo they embolden the partie to vfe all manner ofwan. tondalliance without blufhing ; and harten others who are lafciuious to giue theaffault vnto their chaflitie, when they find it vnfenced and vngarded.Neither can they expec`l: any forcible repulfe,whenthe countenance (as it were)flanding at the doore,inuiteth them to come in, or that they are like to find any (harpe incounter; when the venie looks offer a parly, andpromife ayeelding before theaffault. Secondly, this modeflie appeareth in the words, and §.Setl,2. fpeech,and that in fober anddifcreete filence,or elfe in Hill, of .l2odefüe peaceable andpure communication :whereas contrariwife {hetred ia continual) babling, loudeand clamorous fpeech, are made m°rds and by the wifeman the enfignes and badges ofan harlot,Prou. ee`h' 7.1I.Shee isfrill babling and loude,wbofefeetecannot abide in prou. 7.i1, her hoofs. And the Apoflle defcribing the wanton wid- dowes, faith, that theyarepratlers and buffe bodies, freaking things that arenot But cfpeciallyri -z.Tim, 5.1r. baldandfilthic communication is tobe auoided ofal thofe zg,. whohaue a delire topreferue their chaflitie : for as the A- pofllefaith, euillwords corruptgood manners ; and the wan- ton tongue, being feton fire by hell, as itinflameth a mans z,Cor. zg.3r: owne heart with lull , fo with this rottenand contagious fpeech,it infeteth the flanders by, & corrupteth their harts with vncleane delres.Hence it is that thefe filthie fpeeches are in the Scriptures fo flraightly forbidden : Ephef. 4.29. EpheG4.z9. Let no corrupt communication proceed out ofyour mouths, but and 5.4. that which iaçood to the vfe of edifying, that it mayminifter gracevnto thehearers.And 5.4.he requireth thatfilthines,foo- Col 38. lifh talking,& iefling whichare things not comely?wildnot 6e- fo much as namedamong Chriflids,Ncuerthelefíe theGallâts of