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soo Of themednes topreferssevsfrotnAoredome, oftheworld,who takevpon them the nameofChrifl,rnake this filthycommunication , and thefe fcurrilous 'lefts , the common exercife of their wit, and the muficke of their mirth. SeEt.3. Thirdly,this rnodeflie is allo to be (hewed in our geflures Of nodefiiein andbehauiour,which ought to be graue and fober,andnot our geflures any way fauouring ofvair_e lightnes,& lafcutious wanton- an a bcha neffe. The which as they are the fruiter ofapolluted heart, and the flameswhich iffue from the hidden fire of lufl,fo al- to doe they nourifh the roote fromwhich they fpring, and redouble theheateof carnali concupifcence kindled in the heart. Among thefe we may eipeciallie number wanton Dancing. dancing, and lafciuiouskiffing and imbracing. All which I diftinguifh by their epithets , becaufe Icannot fee how any ofthemmay limply be condemned : for feeing we reade of holy and honefl dancing vfed by holy men and women, . when they reioycedbefore God in the fruition.ofhis bene- 1'Sam,616 fits; as Druid before theArke, (Miriamand her compani- Exod.c 5 ons, after the Egyptianswere deftroied in the red lea; the daughters of Shiloh at their yeerely feafl, which they kept veto the Lord ; the women of Ifrael after the ouerthrowof x.Sam !8.7. the armie ofthePhiliftims ; and feeing the holy Ghoft him- Ecclef 3.4 felfe tellethvs,that as there is a time to mourne,foalto there is a time to dance : I fee no reafon but tbat now vpon the like occatïon,and with the fameholy affeaion, it may law- fullybe vfed to expreffe our reioycing,cheare the mind,and exercife thebody,as well as muficke, or any other fuch like paflime and recreation. But as for that light, wanton, and lafciuious dancingbetween men and women, which is too too common in thefe times, wherein theyvfe one towards another, all manner of inticinggeflures, and fometimes wanton and obfcene behauiour, feruing as the bellowes to inflame lull, the which ina wicked proportion they fit to as light and lafciuious muficke ; it is nobetter thenVenrss re- uels , which effeminate and corrupt the minde,making it fit for vncleane def res, and for all manner of vnlawfull lulls, and therefore carefully ti be auoided ofall thole who haue any delire topreferue their chaftity. Tl,e