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OfthemeAnes topreferuevs fromwhoredome. 2 0Y Thelike alfo may be Paidofkifiîng and imbracing; which Kidngand im» arenot to be condemned,iFthey doe notproceede froman bracing. heart polluted with lufl,but are vied aftera ciuill andhonedGen.z7.Z7, manner to expreffe our loue one to another , feeing they and z9. J r. haue beenealwaies in vfe amongfl the faithfull in all ages, and 33.4.' as teflimonies ofmutual} lone, whichmay be free from all z.San..t9. ;. wantonneffe and lafciuioufnet c, feeing in former times Luka7,3g as. they haue been vied between man and man, and in our 37. owne times by parents to theirlittle children.And therefore Roma 6.16. they are onely to beauoided inwanton dalliance between Gen 3 s. thofewho are light and lafciuious , when as they axe not v- fedfor ciuill curtefie, or to expreffe pure andvndefiled loue indue and feafonable time; but rather to inflame the heart with lufl, and to exprcffe the inward vncleanneffeof the minde,in which cafe, this neereapproching, and thefe im- pure touches,and lafciuious dalliance, are as like to inflame Prou.7.r;, impure hearts with burning concupifcence, as the fparkeo'f fire to inflame flaxe, or gunpowder, when they are ioyned together. Laflly, modefly is tobe (hewed in apparrell , and in the 4Se decking and adorningofthe bodie,after a graue,fober,and ®fmodefly ".44. in feemlymaner,due refpe61 being had to the perfons, fex,de- apparreland gree,andcalling,as being a notablemeanes toprefcruecha- outward flity,and to fubdue flefhly luf}s.And this theApoflle requi- decking. reth, r . Tim.z. 9. fwill alto that thewomen array themfèles in 'Tlm.k9. comely aparrel,withfhamefa/ines&modefty,notwithbroidred haire,orgold,orpearles,orcefflyapparrel. ro.But(ar it becom- methwomen that profeffe thefeare ofggod) withgeodworkes. For as there is a chat} heart,and a chafle eie,fo alfo there is a chat}habiteandattire,which as it nourifheth the inward pu- rityofthe mind;fo it notablie preferucth theperfonwho v- feth it, from the aflaults of thofe who are lafciuiouflydif- pofed;for they feldome offer to buy thefe luf}full wares,but wherethe fineofwantonne% hangethout; neither dare thefe lafciuious theeues offer to rob thofe parties of their chaftity,whom they feeoutwardly garded with modefly t fobriety.Whereas contrariwifea wantonheart delighteth in awanton hebrt,and they whohaue awhorifb affe&ion,will D d commonly