Downame - BV4500 D67 1613 S.SeEit.S. apparel! mnff be fitted to the fir. Deut.i.5, laerr.1;4.6. 5.Seá.6. Apparel' mint befitted to our calling. Lib -dobabia. Corgi?, a.Pot.3.3. 2 a Ofthemeaner toprefersse vsfromwhorealome. commonly proclaime it bytheir whorifh apparel!, like the harlot in the Prouerbs, Chap.7.zo. Now this modefly inappareil is (hewed, firfl, whenas it is fitted to the fex, mnen wearing that which belongeth to men, and women that which appertainethvnto them; for as it is anabomination vnto theLord,when the womanwea. reth that whichpertaineth vnto the man, andwhen theman puts on womans raineent, as it is, Deut. 22.5. fo alfoit infla- meth their hearts with lull and vncleanneffe, making the man effeminate and womanifh, and the woman bold and mannifh. The which is an ordinary fault in thefe daies, whereinmany men andwomen fo difguife themfelues,that It is hard todiflinguifh their fexby their habit ; like theef- feminateyouth,whohauing propounded a queflion to Di- ogenes, was inioynedbefore hewould returneany anfwere, to put off his appareil, that he might know whether he were a manor awoman. Secondly,when as eucryone attire themfelues according to their place and calling, decently, and foberly, according to the exampleof thofe who are mof}graue, vertuous, and religious in the coun trey, where theydwell, refpe61 beeing had to theirage, calling, and degree; whereas contrariwife it is botha liigne and a caufeof immodefly &wantonneffe, when this rule is not obferucd ; as firfl when in refpc t of the matter it is gorgeous & colily, vnbefeeming their par- ticular calling and degree; orwhen in refpea ofthe fafhion it is vaine and garifh, vnbefitting the generali calling of a Chriflian ; for pride and brauery caufethwantonneflc, and wantonnefle makethan eafieway for lull andvncleanneffe. Neither doe thofe who curioufly and gari(hly decke their bodies with coflly &wanton attire, refpe6l their ownepri- uatevfeandcontentment, but rather as it mayprobably be thought, they adorne themfelues for themarket, and fet foorth their beauty to the Pale, betraying their chaflity to himwho biddeth moll or beflpleafeth. To this purpofe C)- prian faith fitly, that Ornamentorum er vefliumin ignia, & lenociniaformarurn, non nitsproflitutie & impudicis lamina congruent; &nullarumferc preciofor sultua quàmquarum pudor