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Oftkemeaner topreferueyr fromwhoredóme. 2o3 pndorvilis eft : Gorgeous and garifhattire, and adulterate beauty become none but harlots, who fet thetnfelucs forth to theCale; neither doe any put on more precious apparel!, then they who molt bafely value their chaflity and ho- aeflie. But as people offend in thiskinde diners waies,fo efpeci- allythofe vaineandwanton women,who not content with ofimrnedeft, thatnatural complexion whichGodhathgiuen them,paint ¡hewedin pain theirfaces with adulterate beauty, and lay open their naked atnd lajia cut breafls to publike view : the which if they be virgins, they the naked fhould not in their maiden-like modefly fo much as by breaj s. chance difcouerwithovtblufhing; ifwiucs, they fhould re- ferne themfor their husbands peculiar delight, as theWife man fpeaketh.Both which as by their immodefly and auda- cious impudencie they corrupt their own hearts withpride Prou. ç.rf . and wantonneffc, fe alto they inueagle others with carnali loue and flefhly lull, making them adorewith their chicle deuotions, a painted idoli, anda lining image. Whereby as theyworke their deflru&ion (without repentance) if they be caught in their ncts,which theyhaue fpred for them; doe they by this outward deckingdeforme and defile their owne foules,andbringvpon themfelues finne and condem- nation, though others fhould not bee intangled in their fnares. For as Hierona faith, Si vir ve!mulierfe ornauerit,& multos honsinumad fe prouocarit, & fi nullum inde fequetur edamnum,iudiciumLawnpatietur £ternum; quia venenumat- tJslit,fifuiffet qui biberit: Ifany wantonly deck themfelues, toprouoke others in a wantonmanner to gazevpon them, thoughnohurtfollow vpon it, yet they!hall bee liable to eternal! iudgement,becaufe they preparedapoyfon,iftherc hadbeene anywho would haue tailed of it. So Au(line ex- claimeth again!+ themadnes of thofe who transforme their L badefirm. naturali fhape into abafepi&lure , affirming it tobe a fault which inCome refpe&s matcheth whorcdome, for(faith he) Ihipudicitia,hicnaturaadulterator : In that chaflity ,in this Fudeoinme. nature it felf is adulterated. Another faith,that womenwho do paint themfelues , offer violence and wrong againfl God idquadale i imfelfe, when as they take vpon them to transforme and farmarit refer. D d s mend/